Chapter 3

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Evie's POV:

I had to get out, I had to leave, anything was better than living with Andy. I had finished packing, and I couldn't wait to leave.

To be honest if I actually had some friends life would have been easier for me. But Andy made it impossible for me, I was pretty much a loner. Even having a boyfriend proved to hard, apparently no one in the world would ever love me according to my step-father. I wonder if moving to London might change that.

Surely, the family I'm living with will hate me, and to be honest I wouldn't blame them.

I walked upstairs into the bathroom where i was met by my reflection in the broken glass. I looked awful, I had stitches all over my face. Cuts and scrapes were the glass hit my face.

I used foundation to cover up the bruises, but I couldn't use it for my scrapes, so either way I looked awful.

I ran down stairs and took my suitcase and my mums car keys, I didn't care how early I got to the train station, I needed to leave memory's of this house behind me.

When we finally got to the station, I got out of the car and slammed it behind me, not even saying goodbye to my mum.

I walked in and gave the ticket to the ticket man. "Your trains just pulled up, you can get on now if you want, it's not due to go for a few"

"Ok thanks, bye" I said, while walking over to the train.

I sighed, and walked in without looking back. I'm going, going to lead a new happy life, I hope.

I fell into a dreamless sleep, soon enough I felt my shoulder being shaken enough to wake me. I opened my eyes and pulled the hand of my shoulder "oww" I hissed in pain, I have bruises there.

"I'm so s-sorry, ma'am... I thought you would like to know that we are in London. I didn't mean to startle you" the man muttered.

"I'm sorry for reacting that way, thank you for waking me!" I said.

I walked of the train, taking my suitcase, looking around for my so called dad. There was a man and his daughter standing with a sign saying EVIE.

"Hi I'm Des, your well father" the man quoted.

"And I'm Gemma, your half-sister! It's nice to meet you!" She said and shock my hand. I was sure I recognised her from somewhere.

I followed them to their car and sat in the back, hoping to be able to ignore any hope of a conversation.

"I'm gonna have to take you shopping sometime, don't get me wrong I love your style, but it's nice to change! It will all be on me" she said pulling a smile.

I looked at her and nodded and let some fake smile take place.

My nerves started to take over me when we reached the big house.

"You can have the guest room, or just take Harry's, he doesn't stay that often, he's generally out at his friends Louis, anyway they should be here today, you can meet him and his friends" Gemma says with a huge grin.

"I'll be fine with the guest room, I don't want to take your brothers" I say quietly.

"Ok that fine" she replys.

I shifted my thoughts on to my half-brother Harry, what was he going to be like? Nice like Gemma and my Dad?

I grabbed my suitcase, only for Des to take it out of my hands.

Gemma walked in first, hearing a chorus of "Hello Gemma!"

"Go on" Des says while I walk in front of him.

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