Chapter 38

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I quite like doing a/n at the start of a few chapters, it's better than just updating an authors note by its self:)


How's everyone?:,)


By the way there's a question at the bed of this chapter, PLEASE answer it:))


Evie's POV:

"I wonder how Luke's doing" I say, as we walk back into the waiting room.

"Probably gritting his teeth so the dentist can't poke around in his mouth"

I laughed lightly "He's like a giant kid"

"He is a giant kid. But hey, the band would suck with out him, same goes with Ash and Cal. We wouldn't be good without us four together"

"That's really sweet Michael" I say looking at him.

"It's true" Michael shrugged in his seat. I could tell he was slightly blushing.

I flipped boredly through a magazine and Michael counted the tiles on the ceiling. Out loud.

"Count in your head" I snapped "It's really annoying"


I rolled my eyes and kicked him in the ankle when the door opened the the woman walked out. Michaels stopped counting.

"Hi" she said, giving us a tired smile. "Dr Jones filled in Luke's cavities, he had two. Normally, we wouldn't give laughing gas for fillings, but Luke's very... Nervous, you could say we gave him some"

"God" Michael said under his breath.

"He's going to be out of it for a little while" She said "You can come in and get him now if you like"

I nodded "Thanks"

She walked past us and went to reception. Me and Michael stood before the door, and I began to walk in, just as Michael grabbed my arm.

"I feel as if I should warn you about Luke on laughing gas" he said "you gotta be strong, Luke will say random shit, and he will defiantly forget how to use his legs. And don't listen to anything he says"

I nodded "Understood"

Michael gave a nod and took a breath before stepping through to door.

We entered the room Luke was in slowly. He was sprawled across the dental chair. He blinked at us as well walked in.

"Hey Luke" Michael said slowly "How ya doing?"

"Mikey?" Luke asked, his speech very slurred "Is, is that you?"

"Yes, it's me Lukey" Michael said "Evie's here too"

I waved and smiled at Luke, who grinned at me, or tried to, with both of his cheeks numb. He eyes were wide and seemed hazy.

"You doing alright?" I asked him.

"I feel great!" He said "Who's up for ice cream?" He pushed him self out of the chair and nearly toppled over onto Michael.

"Whoa, watch it mate!" Michael said, putting a arm around Luke to support him, Luke reached his other arm towards me and I supported his other side.

Fifteen minutes later we we back down the back way, Luke's legs not doing much to support him leaving me and Michael to do it all.

"I feel funny" Luke said.

"Please remember how to walk straight" Michael groaned as Luke tripped over his own feet again.

"Can we rest for a minute?" I asked coming into contact with a bench.

We sat down, Luke between us, his head slowly rolling over to Michael shoulder, and then burst into laughter.

"I can see up your nose" he said.

"That's amazing, you deserve a gold medal" Michael said flatly.

"Can we get ice cream?"

"No" Me and Michael both said at the same time.


"No" we said again.

Luke sighed "You guys are like my parents, you should get married"

"Shut up Luke" we both said together.

"Luke I have a boyfriend, Niall remember?"

"Evie is my mum, and Michael is my dad, together their parenting is terribly bad" Luke singsonged.

"Let's keep going" Michael said, and I stood up, the two of us getting Luke up.

"Okay mum and dad" Luke said.

"Luke for god sake I don't care if you've just had two fillings I will punch you in your mouth" Michael said.

"Evie is my mum and Michael is my dad" Luke sang again.

When we finally arrived back to the buses, taking Luke back into 5SOS's bus. Calum and Ashton watching from the kitchen area.

"On a scale of one to ten how bad was he to Calum's root canal?" Ashton asked.

"Pretty bad" Michael said grabbing a coke from the fridge.

"He thought we were his parents" I said to Ashton.

"My root canal was not that bad" Calum said.

"Cal, you've got to be kidding" Niall said as he walked into the bus "You were convinced that you were a pirate and that the 1D and 5SOS boys were your crew"

"And then you ran into a shop and tried to shoplift a pack of gum because according to you 'pirates don't play by the rules" Michael said, opening his can.

Calum frowned "Okay, look it was intense!"

"Evie is my mum and Michael is my dad" Luke sang again from the couch.

I went to go and sit down next to his and he curled up next to me.

"You and Michael should get married, Niall won't mind" he whispered far to loudly.

"No" I said quietly.

"Niall will mind Luke" Niall said, looking at us and then back at Michael.

"Michael likes you" Luke whispered "He told me when we first met you"

"Lies" Michael said, and Calum began to laugh.

"Yes he does" Luke said.

"Shut up" Michael said, rolling his eyes.


Does Mickey like Evie? Whatcha think?!:)

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