Chapter 43

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Evies's POV:

"Hey!" Matt greets bubbly, as I get in the passenger side of the car.

"Hi" I sigh, running my fingers through my hair, and then putting my seatbelt on, trying to give him a convincing smile.

"So where do you fancy for lunch? Nandos?" he asks. No thank you.

"Erm, do you mind if we go somewhere else?" I ask.

"Yea, sure. We'll park up and look for somewhere in town?"

"Yea, sounds good" I smile.

"Are you okay? You seem down?"

"How'd you guess?" I sigh, looking at him.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"I'll talk to you when we have something to eat, I'm hungry"

He nods and starts driving, putting the radio on. Soon enough we end up in a carpark, and the car stops.

"I didn't know you liked the Sex Pistols?"

"What?- oh no, I have no clue who they are, its Michael's top"

"Can I ask why you are wearing Michael's top?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows at me.

"It's not like that! I spent the night in 5SOS's bus because something happened, and I had no clothes so Michael gave me his top. And then I decided to wear it today"

"Oh. What do you mean something happened?"

"Me and Niall broke up Matt"

"What! Why?!"

"He-he kissed another girl when he was drunk last night" I say, my eyes starting to feel wet.

"Woah, deep. Evie I'm sure you'll work it out, okay? Niall doesn't look like that kind of bloke to do something like that on purpose" Matt says, passing me a tissue "C'mon we will go and get something to eat"

I nod and we get out of the car.

We walked around for a bit and come across an Italian restaurant, that looked appealing. We walked in and get shown to our table, ordering drinks, and getting given our food menu.

"Evie isn't that your mum over there?" Matt asks, my heart drops, and I gasp when I see her and Andy walking in.

"Shit, shit, shit. Matt I need to get out of here. Make sure they don't see me, I'm going to get hold of Michael" I whisper, phoning Michael.

"Why Michael?"

"I'll tell you another time.... Michael I need you to come and pick me up right now. I'm in this Italian restaurant, near the Nando's we drove past last night. My mum and-"

"I'm on my way" he says, putting the phone down.

"Where are they now?" I whisper.

"Four tables down. Don't look behind"

I nod and nervously tap my fingers on the table.

About ten minutes later, a hand is placed on my shoulder.

"Michael you scared me!" I say, looking up at him.

"Where are they?" He asks.

"Four table behind us" Matt says. Michael looks behind us and then nods, and I stand up.

"I'll text you. Sorry" I apologize. I know I could have probably just walked out of here with Matt. But I guess I just wanted Michael to come. And that's weird.

"The boys are outside in the car, we will just keep walking even if they try to speak to you" Michael says, and I nod.

"Bye Matt" I smile before walking behind Michael.

"Evie?" A familiar voice speaks, just as I thought I had made it unseen. I freeze and swallow hard.

Michael turns to face me, and grabs my hand pulling me, while another hand latches on my arm. Michaels eyes go wide, while I snatch my arm away from my mother.

"I don't know you" I try to say as confident as I can, while squeezing Michael's hand, not looking at my mother.

"Leave the stupid girl alone, she'll get what's coming" Andy says slyly, and my mother pipes down.

"That is not how you speak to woman, mate" Michael snaps, at this point the whole restaurant had gone quiet.

"Well it looks like you wouldn't know either, look at you. And you obversely don't know this girl very well, she's a total slut"

"Well I obversely know more than you about girls, because this girl here is the most nicest girl I have ever met, and most defiantly not a slut. I love her just the way she is, and you need to fucking leave her alone" Michael snaps, grabbing my hand.

"You don't know anything about this girl. Do you wanna know why she's a slut, ey? Me and her, let just say-"

"I-I I've not done anything like that!" I stutter disgusted at this man. Andy lets out a laugh and stands up.

"You've got a nerve love"

"We're leaving" Michael says pulling me out of the restaurant. And that's when the tears hit me, as I get pulled into the car. Nobody spoke as we drove back. I sat there, letting tears roll down my cheeks staring out of the window. Andy's wrecked it again for me, this time he stepped his game up.

Just as we pulled up, Ashton started speaking "Sorry Evie, but we all have to spend the night in 1D's bus. And well we have to go there now"

I nod and wipe my tears, then taking of my seatbelt "Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm great" I say, and get out of the car, waking over to 1D's bus. I knock on the door, and Zayn answers it.

"You okay babe?" He asks, and I nod walking past him to the bathroom, and locking the door.


About 15 minutes of being in the bathroom and listening to the conversation about me, I decide I needed to go and put them all straight, about what Andy said. As far as I'm concerned I'm a virgin, and Andy has never touched me in that way. And I'm glad it stayed that way.

I walk out and everybody looks at me waiting for answers.

"Your all so judgemetal. I've not had sex with Andy, who do you think I am?! I'm a virgin, and nobody has ever touched me in that way! Michael he did that to annoy you, and hurt me, he thought you were my boyfriend" I state, crossing my arms.

"Evie I never assumed you did, it's just I hate it when people toss the word slut around" Michael says, giving me a sad smile.

"He called you a slut?" Liam asks, calmly, I nod in reply, and see Niall tense up.

"He also said 'she'll get what's coming' Evie do you know what he meant by that?" Michael asks, scratching the back of his neck.

I shrug, and walk in the kitchen area, Michael soon joining me. I decide to wait to ask him about what he said back at the restaurant. I smile at him "Thank you, back there"

"It's no problem, I'm here for you. That man has no right to speak to you like that, it's unacceptable. Has he always been like that?"

I slowly nod, and look back up to him "What time are you guys on stage?"

"WHAT TIME ARE WE ON STAGE?" Michael shouts, causing me to jump.

"Shit in ten minutes, we better go" Luke says, clambering of the chair.

"You gonna be okay?" Michael asks, giving me a smile.

I nod and walk back over to the couches.

"See ya guys later" Michael smiles and leaves with the rest of the boys. As soon as the door shut, I put my earphones in, I guess this is going to be me for a bit.

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