Chapter 10

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Evie's POV:

I wanted to look nice. This kept going through my mind. I had completely messed my whole bedroom up looking for an outfit.

"Gemma!" I shouted.

"Yeah" She shouted back.

"I need your help!" I shouted.

"Looking for an outfit?" She shouted back.

"Yes!" I shouted.

"On my way" She shouted, running towards my bedroom.

She looked through my messed up wardrobe. Within a few minutes she had a complete outfit.

"Here" She said, passing me the outfit. A pair of light blue skinny jeans, a batman jumper and a pair of white converse.

"Batman" I say.

"It's cute, you'll look cute" she explained.

"Now go get dressed and I'll curl your hair with my new curlers" Gemma says pointing to the bathroom.

I walk over to it and shut the door. I put the outfit on and brushed my hair ready for Gemma to curl.

"See you look cute" Gemma says, grinning at me "come sit on the bed I'll do you hair" she says while I walk over.

I sat on the bed and Gemma began to curl my hair.

From: Nialler<3

When you comin over? :)

To: Nialler<3

When ever your ready:D

From: Nialler<3


To: Nialler<3

Yeah ok!

From: Nialler<3

Can you drive, or do you want me to pick you up?:)

To: Nialler<3

Yeah, I'll use Gemma's car. What flat do you live at? ;)

From: Nialler<3

Ok and flat 22 top floor:D

"hey Gemma can I borrow your car to drive to Niall's?"

"Sure, and I finished your hair, go take a look!"

I walk over to the mirror. "Thank you! I love it" I say, I've always wanted curly hair and believe it or not it suited me.

"They keys are on the table near the front door"

'Ok, thanks!" I say, pulling Gemma into a hug.

I walk down the stairs and grab the keys of the table ready to drive to Niall's.

I decide to put the radio on "Up next One Directions Story Of My Life!" The radio man says. I knew of One Direction because girls constantly went on about them at my old school. I never took much interest and I didn't really know who was in the group. I probably would have liked them if I listen to their music and had a better life at home but Andy made it pretty impossible for me to listen to any music I liked at home. I decided to listen to the song to see if I actually liked it.

"Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain

I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days

Our Story - Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now