Chapter 69

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A sigh escapes my lips as I step outside of the mini bus, I'm so not prepared for all of this. Niall grabs my hand again, and we follow the boys into the club type place. I don't know what it is or what it's called. All I know is that it's full of teens and young adults grinding each other half naked, because from what I'm guessing that's what happens when your drunk, in fact beyond drunk.

It's just like a re-make of the club we went to in Manchester. I don't want to go, but I'm being made to go. Girls with skirts showing of way to much if there body, and instant hot air as soon as you step inside. Woo, note sarcasm.

The guys had booked a booth beforehand, so we had somewhere to sit, which you could say I'm very happy about.

"I'll be right back baby, just going to go and get some drinks with Louis and Liam" Niall smiles but shouts over the background noise.

There was just me, Harry and Zayn sat at the table, and I don't have any idea why but it really awkward. Harry and Zayn made small talk, while I just kind of sat there.

Niall, Louis and Liam came back with the drinks. Niall handed me a dark coloured drink, which I am taking is that vodka and coke I was supposed to be having.

With in seconds of Harry and Zayn getting there drinks they were already stood up like they were supposed to be going somewhere.

"Evie we are going to go and meet some of my friends..would you like to come with me?" Niall asks "Or I can ask the 5sos boys to come over, because I know you'd probably want to do that"

Is my own boyfriend accusing me of preferring to spend time with my friends more than him. Why is he acting like this.

"Just go Niall. Go and have fun and I'll just sit here by myself" I explain "I could be doing with some time on my own anyways"

Niall sighs and walks away, yes he knows he's just hurt my feelings.

I text Michael and tell him to come over to me with the rest of them. I'm not sitting by myself in here.

He replied that he would be with me in five. I rest my head on the table in my arms. Within a couple of seconds of doing this, male voices could be heard around me. I payed no attention, it's probably just some dicks near the table. This was until I felt finger tips running up my leg, and finger tips running up my arms. Shit, who the fuck is this.

I lift my head up to find two guys either side of my, licking their lips.

"Hello pretty girlie. Why are you sat by yourself? You should be dancing and having fun" one of the guys said. I stayed quiet "Quiet type are we? I've heard they are always the loudest in that true?"

"Of course it's true, she looks innocent, but she'll be a teaser" the other guy says.

"Can you guys just fuck of please. I have a boyfriend, and I'm not going to fuck either of you so there's no point trying" I spit.

"See what I mean" one of the guys said "Well I see no boyfriend, so there's nothing you can do" The guy I'm looking at smiles. The guy on the other side of me grabs my arms and holds them behind my back. While the guy I'm looking at traces circles on my cheek, slowly moving down my next to just above my breasts. I'm admitting right now I'm fucking terrified, and I have no idea what to do. Where the hell are the 5sos boys. The guy moves down even further and now his hand is just above my breasts "Don't you dare scream" He says covering my mouth with his other hand. He was now touching my breast, I started to struggle, to try and break free, but because my hands where being held behind my back there was nothing I could do

"What the fuck are you doing to her, you fucking dick" someone shouts, I look up to see Michael. Then Calum, Ashton and Luke behind of him.

"Touching her. I bet you've never touched her" The guys laughs.

"Get the fuck of my girl otherwise I will fucking strangle you" Michael spits.

"Fucking get of her douche. She not fucking yours to touch" Calum shouts.

"And you behind her, get of her hands, leave her the fuck alone" Luke also shouts.

"You guys better do as you told, she doesn't want you touching her, she has her fucking rights and you can't just fucking come and touch her just because you feel like it you fucking freaks" Ashton now shouts.

"There's fucking four of us and two of you. It's obvious who's going to win. Now piss of before we fucking make you" Michael shouts. The guy behind of me lets go.

"Come one, leave her" The guy behind of me tells the you in front of me.

"Well?" Ashton spits "Fuck off"

The guy in font of me gets up and walks of with the guy that was behind of me. Leaving me still fucking terrified.

"Are you fucking okay? Where the fucks Niall?" Michael asks, sitting down next to me. The others join around the table.

"Fucked off with the guys to his friends. He accused me of wanting to spend more time with you guys than him, so I just told him to go. And then that happened"

"They didn't do anything else to you did they?" Luke asks.

"Apart from restrain me from moving and touching my" I sigh "no nothing else"

"I'm so sorry we weren't here earlier" Calum sighs.

"Thanks for getting rid of them though. I don't know what could have happened if you guys didn't turn up then" I gulp.

"Well I think it's only fair if you get a little drunk so you can forget about what happened and get a little pissy with Niall later" Ashton giggles "Up for it?"

"Sure" I smile "As long as you guys stop me before I get to the point of doing something stupid, agreed"

"Fucking agreed" Everyone agrees.

Looks like I'm getting drunk.


I haven't done a authors note for ages so HIIIII

Um just thought I'd mentioned this. I've completed this book, well I have like 5 drafts I think left. So yeah updated are going to be regular until it finishes.

I finished it last night, and I was quite emotional, I've spent like a year and a half on this book.

Please vote :)))) love to all

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