Chapter 18

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~ NEXT UPDATE - 700 reads

Evie's POV:

I kept my eyes closed, I could hear noises coming from the TV, and Louis making a statement about what he thought about what ever he was watching. I continued to pretend to be asleep, I could feel that I was lying on someone, I have no idea who?

"Niall is she still asleep?" Someone asks.

"Yeah, I think so" I could hear an Irish voice saying from above me.

Okay, I'm guessing I'm lying on Niall then.

"Poke her" someone says.

I imminently open my eyes and sit up "The is no way any of you guys are poking me"

"Calm down Evie!" Niall says putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I don't like being poked" I whisper "I need to speak to Gemma" I say, looking over to Gemma and then to Niall who nods.

"What's up?"

"I need to speak to you in private"

"Oh ok then, we'll go in the kitchen" Gemma replies while getting up from the couch and stretching.

I slowly get up off Niall and also stretch, then follow Gemma into the kitchen.

"Ok, what's up Evie?"

"Um, well-" I could feel my cheeks flush with red "Me and Niall are well boyfriend and girlfriend" I said looking at the floor.

"AHHHH! OMG EVIE THATS BRILLIANT!" Gemma shouts, and then claps her hands.

"Gemma, shh!" I whisper, my cheeks still feeling slightly flushed.

"Aw, I knew you'd date each other at some point" Gemma's winks, and then pulls me into a hug.

"Gemma how to I tell the rest, and how do I tell Harry? How will they react?"

"Tell one of the boys and see how they react. Who do you trust the most or the closest to out of the boys in the other room?"

"Um, well I guess Michael"


"NO NEED TO SHOUT GEMMA, IM COMING!... What's up?" Michael asks while walking into the kitchen.

"Evie's going to tell you something and we need to know how you'll react to it" Gemma says smirking at me.

"Um, ok, I'm scared" Michael mumbles while backing up against the table.

"Tell him Evie!"

"Michael, me and Niall are dating"

"What?" Michael says, while processing it into his head "That's brilliant, I'm so happy for you two! Evie you look scared" He says while cocking his eyebrows up at me.

"Oh no, I'm fine I was just really nervous for you reaction. How do you think the other boys are going to react?"

"I'm sure they'll be really happy for you both! Don't worry" Michael says, and then pulls me into a hug.


"What's up?" Niall says.

"Evie's told us" Gemma winks "I'm so happy for you both!"

I look at Niall, while he grins at me.

"Congrats mate!" Michael says while pulling him into a 'man hug'.

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