Chapter 62

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Yo yo yo! So guys my friends also writing a niall fanfic, if you guys could check it out for her that would be super great! Im enjoying it :) her user is Im_gonna_marry_Niall SHES GREAT !
By the way, things Michael say's to Evie are only countered for as best friends. He's not trying to get with her or anything. I just thought it would be cute if Mikey was like this around Evie :)


Evies POV:

"Michael" I smile, as Luke re-enters the room with Michael.

"Hi, baby girl" He smiles "How's your head?"

"To be honest, it's not even bad. Thank you for waiting with Luke, and Luke thank you for also waiting. It was nice to wake up not alone"

"That's quite alright, we will do anything for you. Your basically the sister I never had" Michael says, and Luke nods.

"Wait" I sigh " mum? What happened?"

"What do you remember?" Luke asks.

"Em, well Andy slapped me after I didn't smile at my mum. Then he asked me how Harry and Niall knew about what had happened before I moved. Then I told him that I told them, and then I said 'What are you going to do? Hit me, kill me?' then I said I didn't care and told him to burn in hell. He grabbed my shoulder and pushed me down some stairs, then I don't remember anything because it went black. Then I woke at one in a dark room and debated to call someone, so I called Niall, he told me that the police were coming and that I would be fine, then everything after that was a blur. I kept coming in and out of conscious, there were knocks on the door, people talking, then the next thing I knew someone was carrying me, people were asking if I was okay and waving their hands in front of my face. Then I woke up here"

"Oh, well Andy denied everything, so did you mum. They've placed some charges for the fact that you had a injury to your head and were left. They suspect that you fell down the stairs. Evie, you need to speak to the police that man deserves to be locked up for good"

"Luke its not that simple, I have no evidence, my mum won't back me up, there's just me that can account for everything that happened"

"Yeah, you may not have all that, but you have your medical account. Won't that give them enough info?" Michael asks and I shrug.

"I lied through all of them, all I said was that I was in a car crash, and they believed it because my injury's matched. It's one big mess that nothing can be done to fix it unless Andy - which he won't - comes clean, or my mum tells them what happens - which she won't - so I'm fucking stuck with my shitty life" I sigh "I just want this to end, to not have to live with the fact I have an abusive step father after me all the time, and that my so called mum just doesn't care. I don't want to live with the constant fear that if he catches me again it could be the end of my life. I'm a fucking eighteen year old that can't live her god for saken life because of one man, I can't even be happy without that doubt in the back of my mind. The same doubt I've had since I moved in with my dad. That doubt has stuck with me up until this present day, and it's still with me now. I'm just so fucking done with my life, I wish I had have died that day. I'm so so so sorry that you guys were brought into this" And at this point the tears were coming, both boys wrap their arms around me.

"You didn't die, therefore, you have a reason, Evie" Michael says as they both let go of me.

"I agree with Michael, Evie. If you were supposed to die, then you would have done. YOU have reason to live, just like me and Mike have. Evie, please just try and talk to the police,-"

"Evie Matthews? Sorry was I interrupting?" The nurse asks.

"No, no, it's fine" I reply and she nods.

"Okay, well because of the bump on your head, it was causing you to black out. You'll be okay now, you may get a few headache's later, just take paracetemol's, and you should be okay. We just need to conform what actually happened, if you don't mind me asking" She asks, and I nod.

"Okay, my step father, Andy, got angry at me. He grabbed this shoulder" I start pointing to my right shoulder "Took me to a door under the stairs and pushed me. I think I then blacked out"

"If that's the case, we need to tell the police. They may need to talk to you. Is that okay?" She asks and I nod "You can discharge now, the police should get in touch in a few hours"

"Thank you" I reply and she leaves "This is going to be hard"

"You'll do this, you won't have to worry soon" Michael smiles.

"I hope so" I reply.


Me, Luke and Michael caught a taxi back to the hotel, which I was surprised about, considering.

I walk in behind Michael and Luke.

"Evie" Niall sighs, basically running up to me "I'm so sorry I left you at the hospital" He automatically pulls me into a hug, squeezing me very tight "Are you okay?"

"It's okay Niall, and I'm okay. The nurse say's I'll be fine, I'll probably just get a few headache's later. I told her what happened and she has to talk to the police about it, they'll want to speak to me later, so I'm going to tell them everything that has happened to me and see if they believe me"

"Evie?" Harry says as he walks out of one of the bedroom's, he walks up to me and pulls me into a hug "to add on to what you just said I think you should get your mum involved, you need her to back you up. And before you say, she won't, you need to try. When the police ask to talk to you, tell them to bring your mum with them. Tell them everything that has happened in front of her, even if she denies it, won't she look the slightest bit uncomfortable? But before you tell the police what happened, tell them that your mum will do her best to stick up for Andy because she's scared of him, it makes sense doesn't it?"

"That's actually a good idea" Niall says.

"It's worth a try" Harry replies "This could work, I don't want this man to ever come near you again"

And with that my phone started to ring in my pocket. Shit.



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