Chapter 44

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Hope everyone had a good Halloween. Mine was pretty boring to be honest.

Sorry this update took so long, I've been really busy over the holidays.

I saw Ed Sheeran in concert last Tuesday, he was FRICKING AMAZING<3



Evie's POV:

I continue to shuffle through my songs, and occasionally looking up to see what the boys were doing. Niall kept giving me the odd stare but other that that everyone seemed okay. Harry gets up but I take no notice to why due to the loudness of my music in my ears.

After a few seconds and tap is brought upon my shoulder, Liam "Yea?" I ask, taking one of my earphones out of my ears.

Someone clears their throat and I look up to see Gemma looking at me arms crossed.

"Gemma?" I asked, feeling confused "What are you doing here?"

"Well it was supposed to be a surprise and I wasn't supposed to be here now, but Harry texted me while I was on the way down and told me that you and Niall had broke up. I'm awfully confused to why though because he didn't tell me"

"We just need a break. I'm not talking about this" I say, trying to be as polite as possible, but probably sounding rude.

"Evie, your going to tell me right now what happened so I can get this fixed"

"Omg, Niall you've broken up with Evie?" Brittany laughs as she walks out of the bathroom.

"Shut up" I snarl "Go away, I'm having private talk and it doesn't involve you"

"Well it's not that private because all the boys are here"

"Yea, well they all know anyway, and I like them, unlike you"

"Excuse me, that hurt" Brittany laughs, putting her hands towards her chest.

"Oh my. I'm going for a walk" I shout, getting up and waking straight past Gemma and Harry, and straight out of the door. Why the hell am I always targeted.

Niall's POV:

"Brittany, you really just need to back off" I snarl, looking at her.

"Whatever. I'm talking a shower" And with that she walked into the bathroom, leaving me with Gemma wanting answers.

"Well is someone going to tell me why Niall and Evie broke up?"

"I kissed another girl while I was drunk the other night and Evie saw" I say, rather quickly, putting my head into my hands.

"What?!" Gemma says sounding too astonished.

"I didn't mean to ok. It was the biggest mistake of my whole life. I love that girl for God sakes" I say, tears starting to brim in my eyes. And it's true I think I love her, I've never felt this way before, I want to do everything in my power to keep her safe, it should have been me who faced Andy not Michael. The one thing that's breaking me at the moment is that fact that she's spending time with 5SOS, my other best friends, and the fact that two of them fancy her, and the fact she's too close with Michael. I haven't been paying much attention to Gemma, and I have no idea what to say about the predicament I have got my self into. Gosh, my life can get messed up really fast.

"Niall? Are you even paying any attention to me?" Gemma says, looking angry at me. I nod and stand up, I need to go and find Evie.

Evie's POV:

Luckily, the ground wasn't wet and I could sit down. I hadn't really gone far from 1D's tour bus before the tears came. I don't know what to think anymore, I love Niall but I'm not sure about this other crush I have. I mean I am single at the minute, but I feel bad for liking someone else. My feelings for Niall are still strong, just part of me is drawn to this other guy.

Brittany's really getting on my nerves as well, I'm already emotional today and I really don't need that bitch to get under my skin.

"Evie?" I familiar voice says "Why are you sat on the ground?"

"Because I want to and because I need to think and because I don't know what to think anymore. Niall I just feel really emotional today" I sigh, and wipe my tears away.

"Please don't cry" He soothes, and kneels down in font of me. He carefully moves a strand of hair out of my face and puts it behind my ear "I'm sorry for everything that I've done. You didn't deserve to see me do that. Evie I just want you to know that it was the biggest mistake of my life and I regret it so much. I'm sorry for making you feel like this"

"Niall its not one hundred per cent your fault why I feel like this, there's just a whole lot of different things going on in my mind and it's making me emotional. And the fact I've broken up with someone I trust and well love is making me even more emotional. I guess I just need to get over my self"

"Evie I love you" Niall says and I clock the tears in his eyes. I know he means it and I know he wants me to say it back.

"I know you do Niall. And I do love you too, but I can't get back together with you yet" I say yet again wiping my tears away.

"NIALL WE HAVE TO GO MATE WE ARE ON STAGE IN TWELVE" Someone shouts and Niall gives me one last glance before getting up and waking over to the boys.

I just don't know how I feel anymore. I decide to get up and walk over to the bus. I guess it's time to face Gemma.


"Evie are you okay? You've been in the bathroom for ten minutes. 5SOS are back now" Gemma calls from outside the door. I had been sat in the toilet for ten minutes just staring at the ceiling. A couple of knocks are delivered at the door again "I mean it Evie are you okay? Your starting to worry me now"

I close my eyes, and sit in silence until the knocking starts up again. I stand up and walk over to the door, unlocking and opening it "I'm fine, I was just thinking" I say and walk past her and back over to the couches where I left my phone. I had a unread text.

Matt Evans:

Are u ok? I saw what happened at the table. We need to speak asap

I lock my phone and cross my legs on the couch, I'm not in the mood to talk about Andy.

"Brittany and Poppy have gone to watch 1D tonight. They shouldn't be back until after ten" Gemma says, sitting down "We need to talk about something Niall has apparently said to the boys and I need to know if it's true"

"If what's true?" I ask.

"Follow me outside" Gemma says, and I nod following her outside.

"What's true?" I ask again.

"According to the rest of the boys Niall apparently told them that he thinks something. I don't know if it's true because I've not heard it come out of his mouth"

"Cut to the chase, what?"

"Niall doesn't believe you only like him anymore. He thinks you like one of the 5SOS boys, and he has his eyes on Michael. Is it true?"

"Look, he has no right so assume that" I say, short for breath, Niall already assumes I like someone else? It's is own fault right? He shouldn't have done what he did, and then maybe I wouldn't have started developing feelings for someone else.

"Evie are you listening? Is it true? I won't tell just tell me!"

"It's his own fault" I whisper.

"What's his own fault?"

"Niall's. If he hadn't done what he did the other night, I wouldn't have started this stupid crush"

"So you do like someone else?"

"Gemma I love Niall. But I'm drawn to someone else as well"

"And who's this guy?" She asks, arms crossed. She's gonna kill me isn't she.

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