Chapter 29

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Evie's POV:

"Michael your such a dork" Brittany screeches, flicking the back of his head.

"Excuse me. Nothing gave you the right to do that" I shout back, narrowing my eyes at her.

"He lied"

"It's your fault" I say, sticking up for Michael. It's true though, it is her fault no one want to sit with her.

"You have a attitude on you"

"And you don't. Just go sit back down there please. I'm not in the mood for you"


"Well I can tell you two are going to get on just fine" Niall grins, and then frowning when Brittany looked back over to us when she had finally sat down.

"Yes, best of friends" I say rolling my eyes "That was for you Michael"

"Thanks" Michael winks "Your great at arguing"

"All girls are" Luke jokes.

"Sorry, but are you guys ready to order, or am I interrupting?" Maisie asks.

"No, no it's fine love. I think we are ready to order" Niall smiles "Ill have a full English please. Evie what are you getting?"

"Actually, I'm not that hungry"

"Well you need to eat, so you better choose something"

"Okay. Um, can you do like a mixed fruit bowl or something?"

"Yes, we can do that" She smiles, writing it down on her notepad "Do you want syrup with it?"

"No thanks"

"Ok, who's next?"

"Me, Cal, Luke and Michael will have the full English too. But one question, do you have Vegemite?"

"Ok, and yes we have little tubs you can use to put on your toast"


"Vegemite is vile stuff" I frown.

"You got that one right little one" Niall agrees "It's disgusting"

"Ok. It should be about twenty minutes if that's ok" Maisie says, walking back around the table, and then walking away.

"How can you not like Vegemite?" Ashton moans "It's one of the best things in the world"

"No, no it isn't. There is defiantly other stuff that's tops Vegemite. A lot" I say "Ok I'm bored... And tired... And I dunno. Niall, can I have your phone"


"Because you have mine. I only want to borrow it for a few minutes" I pout.

"Fine" he replies, picking his phone up from of the table and passing it to me "The passwords 1393" He whispers in my ear.

I decide to look on Nialls twitter, considering that's like the only app I know how to use. Most tweets Niall got was spams, most of them cute ones, others a little disturbing. And there was a lot of gossip about us, me and Niall.

"I think your mums phoning you" I point out giving Niall his phone back.

He smiles and puts it to his ear "Hi mum... Yes, I do... Her names Evie... No it's not like that... She's Harry's half sister, mum she's really nice ok... I'm gonna phone you later. See you"

"I take it your mums not to pleased" I frown.

"It's not like that. She just wants me to find the right girl that's all, she'll love you when she meet you"

Our Story - Niall HoranTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon