But before he could do anything, Juvia shot up and sent him flying with her water nebula.

Her blue sparkling eyes has now lost its shine and became dark.

Everyone around the guild looked shocked to see their ace member down on the floor.

All remained numb didn't knew what to do.

Juvia went upto him and caught hold of his collar and made him stand up.

Natsu was amazed to see the display of strength from the bubbly water mage.

After making him stand, she again attacked him continuously with her water slicer which were bit modified with icy scales at the end, without leaving a moment for him to recover and attack back.

As the other member were still looking at them with awe, Natsu took this as a wonderful opportunity to slip inside the office and took the sword which was kept within a lightning orb. Then he took all the other necessary stuffs.

"Hey woman, how dare you hit me? You bitch..." When the bulky guy got a chance to attack her with his rocky fist, he was met with fire dragon's roar.

"Juvia, come let's go." Natsu called her out.

"No,Natsu-san. We have to finish this man who dared to destroy my Gray-sama's necklace and also for touching me unappropriately . Juvia won't spare him. " She attacked him and used all her trained techniques to defeat that beast.

Now even the other members came to know they were the outsiders and began to attacked them.

Natsu happily went on full rampage and soon defeated the lackeys with his usual fighting spirit.

"You little piece of shit, I won't spare you for humiliating me in front of my henchmen. Let me rip those clothes and put on your assets to full display." The bulky guy now caught hold of her neck making Juvia to choke.

As the guy was about to open her coat, she soon casted water lock spell which encased that beast-man.

Juvia coughed due to discomfort and undid the spell making him unconscious.

When Juvia looked around the guild, she was amazed by Natsu's handy work.

She saw him standing proudly on top of a guy who was begging him to spare his life.

"Natsu-san, that's enough. Let's go." She dusted her dress and went upto him.

"No Juvia, let me kick this fellow's butt. Then we can leave." As Natsu ran to catch another poor fellow but was halted by Juvia who caught hold of his shoulder.

Juvia glared at him making Natsu remind of Erza's glare whenever he pissed her off.

"Juvia said that's enough. Come let's go."

"But we didn't catch the guild master. What about him?" Natsu questioned her.

"We just needed the sword and their documents and other important stuffs.
Remaining work of disbanding this guild will be done by the magic council." Juvia lead Natsu out.

"Okay as you say.." Natsu agreed to her.

After 4 days of grueling train journey for Natsu, they reached Magnolia.

Juvia was getting impatient to meet her Gray-sama as it has been 2 months since they last saw each other.

As Juvia slipped into her fantasy world, Natsu couldn't scold her for feelings like that as even he felt the same. He really missed his partner and lover Lucy.

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