"I'm scared." You whispered as you buried your face into his chest.

"Shh I know, you'll be safe here. Why don't you go get some sleep, there's some things I need to tend too." He asks as you nod, he leads you to a bedroom where a large bed is you instantly jump onto it and cuddle into the warm blankets as he chuckles.

"I'll be back in a few hours, if you need anything just squeeze this for 10 seconds and I'll know to come straight back." He says as he places a silver bracelet around your wrist, you nod and collapse into the bed as he smiles and leaves.

You wake up to some noise as you rub your eyes, the door bursts open as you scream seeing Captain America on the other side. You instantly grab the bracelet squeezing onto it for dear life.

"Please don't hurt me! I haven't done anything!" You shouted as you backed into the corner of the room.

"Thor grab them we will have to bring her back." Ironman instructs as you shake your head.

"Stay away from me!" You shouted as he comes closer to you and you begin to cry.

"Y/N!" You hear Loki shout as everyone turns to look that way. Thor grabs you and holds you as you shout for Loki.

"Let go of me!" You shout as you struggle. Loki comes into the room as he sees Thor holding you.

"Let her go Thor, she has nothing to do with this." He says as he glares at you.

"This doesn't need to be hard Loki. Just come with us and no one will be hurt." Thor said as you still struggled. You saw ironman sneak up behind Loki as you shouted out.

"Loki!" You shouted but it was too late Ironman knocked him out as you screamed.

"Stop!" You shouted as Thor held you tighter, you went limp in his arm as you stopped struggling.

"Please let me go." You cried as he held you just as tight, your mood changed quickly again as you struggled as hard as you could. Your eyes glowed as you made your skin burn and Thor yelped letting go of you. You ran to Loki as he held him looking the rest.

"Don't hurt him." You growled but it was too late Ironman knocked you out as you fell on top of Loki.

You woke up and looked around not seeing Loki anywhere.

"Loki!" You shouted out as you looked around seeing yourself trapped in a glass looking cage.

"Calm down we didn't hurt him." You heard a voice say as you looked up seeing Tony Stark.

"P-Please I don't want to hurt anyone." You whimpered as Tony scoffed.

"I n-need Loki." You said starring at him. You heard a scream that sounded like Loki as you began to panic.

"What are you doing to him!?" You shouted as you pounded on the glass.

"Getting the answers we need, now I need you to tell me or you'll end up like him." Tony threatened as you nodded slowly.

"How long have you known Loki?" He asked as you looked at him.

"24 hours." You said as he looked at you unconvinced.

"How did you meet him?" He asked.

"I-I was living on the streets and I was attacked. He helped me and brought me back to his place." You explained as he still looked unconvinced.

"Did you have to do with any of the attacks on New York?" Tony said as you shook your head.

"N-No I was almost killed." You mumbled.

"Let Loki in here please. H-He will still be in a cell." You said as Nat walked in.

"Let's just put them in together. It'll shut Loki up at least." Nat said as Tony rolled his eyes and walked in grabbed you. He lead you down two hallways before you were stopped in front of Loki's cell. He was on the ground panting as you struggled in Tony's grip.

"Loki!" You shouted as Tony opened the cell shoving you in. You instantly ran to him and ran your hand over his face.

"It's ok Loki." You whispered as tried to get him to sit up.

"Y/N?" He asked in a daze.

"Yes it's me, you're safe now." You whispered to him. He sat up slowly and coughed out some blood as you gasped.

"Why did you hurt him so much!" You shouted as your eyes glowed.

"Well we didn't know the shock would affect him so much." Tony said shrugging.

"It's ok, I'll be ok." He whispered as his hand went over yours.

"Thor said he'll be sending you back to Asgard once he gets back." Steve said as you looked at Loki.

"N-No I won't go back there." He said as he glared at them. 

Marvel Oneshots - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now