43. Our Blood

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Malia's POV 

I wiped my tears as I reversed into the garage of the apartment complex , the car ride was silent until I put the car in park and lifted the hand brake . I was about to step out of the car but Aison's hand reached over and closed the door.

"Why didn't you tell me Malia? What was so hard in telling your man that you were carrying our kid? My child....." Aison spoke as he placed his hand on my tummy rubbing it in small circles as he whispered the last part.

"Because I don't know if I can carry this child full term Aison , I was afraid that I couldn't be woman enough to have this baby , and I know how your family is already...especially your mom. I lost a child already Aison..." His face softenend as I said those words.

"Yes , with Damien , I lost our kid because I was so stressed out about dealing with Damien's bullshit and now I'm still dealing with it but with you too... I feel drained , emotionally and physically torn " 

"I am so sorry that you had to go through that alone... But princess , trust me when I say I am here for you , I have to close down the museum for at least a year to be here on this journey with you I will. If you need a vacation we can go Greece for some months and live together care free until you're ready to work again . Our baby would want for nothing because she will have everything she needs and so much more , I will protect you Malia , trust me when I say I love you from the bottom of my heart . Everyday, I'm happy , I'm smiling and you're the reason for my joy. If it's God's plan , it will happen my love... Don't let your anxiety get the best of you..the best of us.." He spoke slowly , slurring a bit.

"I know..." I responded lowly then finally opened the door , hearing him deeply sigh , I grabbed my purse and my phone and slammed his car door.

I unlocked the back door and walked inside turning on all the lights , I placed my hand on my stomach and looked down at  my feet , I need a sign , something....so I know what I should do about this relationship and this weird dynamic I have with Damien.

I heard door slamming and being locked , I took off my shoes and looked up to see Aison taking off his black leather jacket and leaning against the counter folding his arms.

"So we're not gonna talk about it?"


"No , I really wanna know , I get that I'm a bit tipsy but still...I need to know what you need from me , what do you want me to do ?? But please inform me about any decision you're going to make regarding our child please.."

I was about to speak but my phone rang out , I looked at the caller ID , it was Damien.

Aison chuckled slightly as he looked at my phone's screen  and began to make his way to his bedroom , I mentally cursed and shook my head.

I need space...

-Queen Yauna

Con amor...


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