1. The Rose

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Malia's POV

"Your coffee M'am " Aaliyah spoke as she placed it on my desk near my computer . I looked up at her and squinted my eyes then got back to work , ignoring her exit and I divulged in my nostalgia. It's hard to be strong , to be confined to a bubble . Daily , I'm trying not to be a stereotypical poster child of a black person . I'm the CEO of my Interior Design company , " M.R Design" (Malia Rose Design) . I'm the only colored person in this building beside my best friend..Jeneil , she has been with me at my lowest , through my divorce and other things . Got married at 21 years , I'm 24 years young now and I know my mistakes , Damien was one of them I fell for his chiseled jaw and his phD .

I was naïve and thought he loved me . He ruined me , emotionally I gave my all to this one man and he tore me apart between the person I use to call my husband and nearly losing my life. The only good thing out of all this is my Dad , for ALWAYS being there for me and supplying me with ceaseless love also constantly assuring me of my beauty and how far I've came. My phone began to ring loudly "Formation" snapping me out of my daydream.

I answered

" Hello " I spoke as I checked through my clients portfolios

" Malia you remember who this is ? " A deep voice boomed on the other end of the line

" If I knew who it was , I would have greeted you with a name sir. Now please , Who are you?" I responded sarcastically

" Joshua Luciano , from highschool " He responded

" Oh Joshua , sorry for being rude . How are you ? "

" I'm pretty amazing , I'm about to build my third house in Cancun and wanted your assistance . You are the best in New York "

" That I know for sure Josh and you can pass by the office next week Thursday " I responded smiling

" See you next week Mali " He spoke once more before hanging up.

" See you next week Mali " He spoke once more before hanging up

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(A picture of Joshua Luciano)

Soon after , Aaliyah came rushing into my office flustered and fumbling
"Ms.Rose I have bad news " She spoke softly

" Proceed Aaliyah "  I said

" Well , the expansion internationally in the european countries didn't go to well especially in France then Italy has a lot of vintage places in the vicinity where we are searching also Ms.Lobos called " She blurted out all at once

" Okay aaliyah , I'll be sending you to those countries and I'll talk to Jeneil "

" No M'am they want you to be there " She responded

" I'll think about it "

" Okay M'am enjoy your day " She said as she left then I nodded going back to work

I messaged Jeneil " Babe meet at Tami's Café in 20 minutes "

I picked up my birkin bag and lemon water strutting out my office and into Aaliyah's

" Aaliyah please insert a slot next week  thursday afternoon for a Mr.Luciano "

" M'am are you sure ? That's Damien's birthday and he requested your presence at his party "

I stared intently at her trying my best not to let words of anger flow out my mouth , she then spoke

" I'll get rid of that "

" Smart girl Aaliyah , I'm going to meet Ms.Lobos I'll be back in 40 minutes " I said as I left her office

I could feel all eyes on me as I walked across the floor , I made my way to the elevator and cleared my throat as I saw two trainees talking loudly , they scattered and I smiled in content as I entered the elevator and the doors closed.

At the Café

I sat at the table as I waited for my cappuccino , I heard my phone vibrate and saw a message from Joshua "Don't forget me Mali ! " I smiled
Then I heard loud clicking of heels and it got louder as it approached me , must be Jeneil .

"You must be pregnant " I said teasing her as  we hugged each other

" You must have a new man the way your cheesing over your phone . New love interest høe?" She said as she crossed her legs.

" More like new buisness contact , why you always in my business ? " I looked at her

" Because your buisness is mines and vice versa " She cheekily smiled

" What do you want Lobos? " I glared at her

" You love pizza ? " she asked

" Hell yeah! Why do you ask?"

" Well where we're going has plenty of that " She smirked

I brought the cup to my lips and placed it back on the table " And we are going? "

" Rome...Italy babe! " She responded

" Yesssss we're going little italy their ravoli is legit espec- (gco) "

" Malia! Rome as in Pope Benedict XVI...Italy " She responde

I laughed really hard and shook my head finishing my cappuccino " Bīsh you know I run a multi-million dollar company , where does your vacation fit into my schedule ? I have 10 clients for this month Jeneil ."  I said looking at her

" Malia please , all you ever do is work work work work work work work  and you never let your hair down."

" That's because I don't want to " I crossed my arms (Bad habit)

" Please mali! I'll behave " She assured me

" If you end up drunk I'm leaving " I said

She screamed loudly earning glares from people I ducked my head and looked away from her " Shhhh Jeneil"

" Here is your first class ticket " She handed it to me in an envlope

" What time are we leaving?"

" 10 pm tonight " She said

" Alright Lobos" i snatched it from her and hugged her as she got up to leave

" See you in a few hours baby!" She yelled loudly

I shook my head and messaged Aaliyah " Never mind aaliyah I'll go to France and Italy , I won't be available for a week so re-direct all the messages to me after alright? "

My phone vibrated " Alright m'am " - Aaliyah

This trip better be worth a week of clients.

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