9. Encounter

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Malia's POV

Today was about my buisness , I had three schedule meetings and then the Gala . Jeneil went out with her mystery man , I had a meeting with my real estate agent then with a manager of a shipping company and interviews for new employees . I was dressed in a satin dress and a simple pony tail with some heels and my phone in hand . I looked in the mirror and examined myself , watching at my curves and great ašs . Yes I'm a bit conceited , who isn't ?

I waited on Alfred's call to make my way down to the lobby , then my phone rang it was Aaliyah .

" Good Morning Miss Rose , I wanted to inform you about the Gala your hosting tonight . I'll be in Italy in a couple hours , I'll be in the meeting with Mr. Shay , the manager of the shipping establishment . After that we can discuss more from there " She spoke quickly

" Now aaliyah , let's get this clear . You are to reject all calls from Damien Lee , You are to meet me in the interviews for the new employees and you would be staying in the room opposite Ms.Lobos and I . I'm a very busy woman Aaliyah. " I spoke sternly and got up opening the door and walking towards the elevator .

" M-M-Miss Rose , I'm sorry but he threatened my job also the meeting with the real estate agent starts in twenty minutes " She stuttered then continued speaking .

" Oh šhit ! " I exited the elevator stepping quickly and found Alfred waiting on me .

" Is everything alright Miss Rose ?" Aaliyah spoke worriedly

" Yes Yes , everything is fine . Please bring my gown for the gala with you " I said and hung up

Alfred greeted me with a smile and I returned one as well . I entered the the limo and checked my phone before locking it.

3 Hours Later

This is so tiring , I wasn't even paying attention anymore to the real estate agent .

" Miss Rose , are you alright ?" The old lady asked

" To be honest...." I held a long pause before smiling and nodding , she's too old to be disrespected .

We made our way to another property and I fell in love , the entrance was a path engulfed by a fruitful vineyard and the building was entirely of glass , a small fountain was infront of the building as we came closer.

" I want it " I spoke stepping out the car.

" Scusi ? " The lady asked

" I want this property , right now . How much is it ?"

" 1.2 million dollars "

" I'll take it " I smiled

" Alright , meet me in my office in two days and we can sign all the paperwork"

I nodded and we got back in the car , I didn't even need to go inside . I knew it was for me.

4 hours later

The meeting with the manager was successful and he agreed to all my terms and conditions . Aaliyah entered with her hair in a turban and sweats . I just pointed to a seat opposite me and shook my head , I was getting tired and needed to rest for the gala .

" Aaliyah , you can handle this right ?" I spoke

Her eyes widened then she sighed , " Of course m'am "

I smiled " Very good , no superficial slüts are welcomed. Choose wisely , because every one canidate that isn't decent I'll deduct $2,000 dollars from your pay for the next 4 months . Is that understood ?" I picked up my phone and left her flabbergasted.

As I was walking out , I saw a familiar face . The owner from the gallery , Mr.Aison , I couldn't help but stare . Dear God what is Italy doing to me ?
He caught me staring and licked his lips slowly smirking . I need to go back to the hotel and get another underwear , When I'm in Italy just carry spare underwear in my bag because the panty I'm wearing right now is drenched , soaked beyond comprehension , Moses can't part this sea  . I inwardly scolded myself for my loose behaviour , I see him crossing the road making his way towards me , my feet would not move at all.

I have to get ready for the Gala , why am I not calling Alfred ?
He walked slowly towards me and towered over me , "Ahh Sputare Fuoco " He spoke . What the hell does that even mean?

" Mr.Aison , it's a pleasure. " I said outstretching my hand , he took it gently and brought it to his soft pink plump lips and kissed it .

" The pleasure is mines " He spoke staring at me from head to toe . I could feel his gaze linger at my breasts , so I cleared my throat and He looked back at me , in my face this time.

" I'm waiting on my driver to drop me back at my hotel , I have to get ready for the Gala . I haven't eaten for the day , and I'm extremely tired " I spoke running my hand through my hair.

" Ms. Rose , would you like to accompany me on a pizza pie venture. You are in Italy and you look exhausted " He spoke again sliding his hands into his sweats that hung dangerously low on his hips .

" I would accept but I'm so busy and my Gala" I said

" You are hosting the Gala? Some of my pieces were requested there " He said

" Yes it's my Gala , and I wouldn't have accepted that . I'm very capable of paying you " I spoke proudly

" Cara Mia , I didn't imply nothing of the sort . But , I will be there " He spoke smiling

Just then Alfred arrived , coming out the car and opened the door for me .

" Well , we would see Mr.Aison . Have a pleasant evening "

" At the Gala , Cara mia " He said slowly laiden with his Italian accent

I entered the limo and Alfred closed the door and returned quickly to the driver side and pulled off . He looked at me once last time before turning around and going his way.

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