EP 4 ! "Nomeo and Juliet"

Start from the beginning

"Can you help me to class?"

JoJo stared at him for a couple seconds before running down the hall to his next class.

"Thats real nice!" Dalvin sighed before slowly crawling to his next class.


DeVante walked into the auditorium after the last school bell rang. JoJo had went with him for support.

"Oh, you were serious?" Tanai stated. She was holding the lines from the play in her hand.

DeVante chuckled. "I'm always serious." He went over to one of the tables and grabbed one of the packets that had the lines in it.

"We will be starting at four o' clock on the dot! So all of you better read those lines while you can!" One of the teachers yelled.

"Tanai, you should know I ain't gon' be here the whole time. I'm only here for you and I. Once we take our turns, I'm outta here." DeVante told Tanai as she skimmed through the packet.

She took her eyes off of it to look at De. "I hope you got faith in both of us."

And for the next two weeks, everyone auditioned for the roles they wanted, & worked their asses off.


It was another day at school, and the results for who would be playing who were in.

Everyone who auditioned were at the board, some were happy for the roles they got, and some were unsatisfied. JoJo, DeVante, Dalvin and K-Ci were trying to see the board also, but couldn't.

"Dalvin, go crawl through those people and try to get a better view." DeVante stated.

"Why do I have to do it?" Dalvin asked.

DeVante shot Dalvin a look. "Because I said so."

Dalvin shook his head as he did what his brother told him.

"Hey y'all! Y'all looking at y'all very own, Juliet." Tanai spun around with a smile on her face.

"Thats great Nai, congrats." JoJo congratulated her.

"Thanks Joel." Tanai smiled once more.

"Did you see if I got the part for Romeo?" DeVante asked as Tanai shook her head.

"No, I only saw my name next to the role of Juliet."

Dalvin crawled through the crowd of people and crawled back over to his brothers and Tanai.

He took a deep breath and coughed before speaking. "JoJo, you gotta open up the play!"

JoJo held a look on his face. Who said he wanted to introduce everything?

"And congrats to us De, we got the part for Romeo!" Dalvin smiled.

DeVante chuckled cockily. "See, I knew I was gonna g- wait, you said 'we'?"

"Yeah, we. I'm your understudy!" Dalvin explained.


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