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I peeled myself off the bathroom floor, shaking at the knees I called my driver to come get me. I returned back to my hotel and changed into clothing that was not covered in the love of my lifes blood. I decided to go to the hospital but I would be snuck in. While I was showering I had Phoebe go speak with the director of the hospital who was very understanding and allowed me to sneak in. We arrived at the hospital and I was escorted to the back entrance, one of their security guards led me and Phoebe down a dark hall and then we approached an elevator. According to Phoebe we were headed for the 2nd floor room 232. When the elevator doors opened I suddenly felt sick to my stomach...I was not sure if I could see Theresa lying in a hospital bed, but I knew how important it was for me to be by her side. I loved her so much, my poor kitty cat.

I walked into her room first, Phoebe waited outside the door to give us some privacy. I took Theresa's hand it was a bit cold, I squeezed it and kissed her forehead. "I am so sorry my darling". I whispered in her ear, her color looked so much better...even unconscious she looked gorgeous. I looked around her room, it was so glum. I would have to tell Phoebe to go get Theresa a dozen of roses to brighten up the room. I pulled a chair close and watched her breathing, as her chest rose up and down.

I started thinking, what would I have done if I lost Theresa? How could I go on? she had me wrapped around her pretty little finger. I suddenly heard a knock at the door, Phoebe peeked his head in "Freddie it's Theresa's doctor, he wants to speak with you..." I walked over as the doctor came in, "Hello I am Dr. Karev, are you related to the patient?" he asked looking at a clipboard. "Well in a way I guess you could say that....I am her boyfriend" I said as the doctor looked over Theresa's chart. "Hmm well looks like Theresa has had a pretty severe concussion, we did a head CT on her brain and there is no internal bleeding which is a good sign but there is no telling if there are any long term effects until she awakens." I felt weak at the knees again I sat back down holding my chest. "Okay so what...what kind long term effects are we talking here?". The doctor reached his glasses off of his face and looked me in the eye "Mr. Mercury...there could be a list of things...again we won't know until she wakes up....she could have vision problems, she could be in a great amount of pain, she could forget her own identity...we won't know for sure." I felt tears build up but I was not about to let a stranger see me cry. I turned back to Theresa and did not say another word to Dr. Karev, he left and shut the door behind him. "Oh my poor Theresa, this is all my fault...I am so sorry darling...I should of just left you alone...I should have never came back to New York." I began to sob in her chest, for what seemed like an eternity I peeled myself off of her and went to the bathroom. I wiped my swollen eyes and went back to my chair next to Theresa's bed. My head was pounding at this point. I put my aviators on and found the most comfortable position I could find in such a hard plastic chair. I drifted off for a bit never letting go of Theresa's hand.

Suddenly I awoke to a tugging and pulling on my hand. I jumped up and opened my eyes. It was Theresa, she was moving her head from side to side eyes clenched attempting to come out of her daze. I watched waiting to greet my gorgeous lover. She opened her eyes and stared into mine, her eyes were still as deep and soulful as ever. I took her hand back and kissed it, she suddenly had a frightened confused look on her face. "Where...where am I?" she said softly. "Darling you are in the hospital, you hit your head and got a pretty bad concussion." I said stroking the side of her face, she pulled away from me. " who are you?" she asked with fear in her voice. "'s me...Freddie." She pulled the covers over her as if she did not want me to see the body I have shagged multiple times. " I supposed to know you? Who are you? Freddie who? and my name is Theresa you said?" I suddenly felt overwhelmed I had no idea what was going on. "Theresa, you do know me...I am Freddie your boyfriend....Freddie Mercury...lead singer of live here in New York with Gwen...don't you remember?" I asked with panic in my voice. "What? who is Freddie Mercury and what is Queen? I...I want to speak to someone else please...just go get my doctor..." My heart may as well have stopped, I had no idea what to do. I backed away heading towards the door, I opened it and saw Phoebe standing there against the wall. "Hey are you okay mate?" he placed a hand on my shoulder, I almost melted into his arms. "She....she doesn't remember me...Oh...oh my God she doesn't REMEMBER ME!!!" I yelled at Phoebe pushing him away from me. I began to pace back and forth, Phoebe watched me..."Go get her fucking doctor!!!" I screamed, Phoebe rushed down the hall to the front desk. I fell to the floor sitting down burying my head into my lap, this can't be can this be reality right now? I went numb. My body felt tense I was angry and sad at the same time. "Where is that bloody doctor?!" I yelled down the hall.

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