More obstacles

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We arrived at London, home sweet home. I had not really thought about it all this time, but for the rest of the flight I couldn't help but think of the hoops and hurdles Theresa and I would face here now. Our relationship was public on U.S. soil but not in the U.K. yet. I hope she's up for it. I still had to introduce her to Mary. I knew Mary would be a good sport about it, but how would Theresa feel knowing Mary was still a part of my life? See its not always peaches and creams being Freddie Mercury darlings.

We arrived at garden lodge, there was still a lot of work to do here. I had not had my landscapers and interior decorators finish renovating. We walked in and placed our luggage down. I swiped Theresa up off of her feet, and kissed her sweet little face. "So here we are darling, you still sure this is what you want?" I asked her. "Freddie I am here to don't have to keep looking for reassurance I told you I love you and so now that means you are stuck with me." I had faith in us, this was the real deal to me after all. If there was anyone I was going to have a real chance with, it would be Theresa. That much I had already figured out. I had Phoebe put all our belongings away for us while I took Theresa up to my...our bedroom. We held hands as we walked up the stairs, I turned back to look at her at one point and she was amazed by the views around her. "Wow, you have such great taste". "This is nothing dear, I am nowhere near finished...wait until you see the finished product." We walked into the room and I closed the door behind us, I know what you are thinking no we did not shag, at least not yet. We actually had a serious conversation. "Theresa...darling have a seat please I'd like to have a word with you." she had a confused look on her face as she sat on the edge of the bed. "What is it?" she asked. I took her hand and held it while softly rubbing it. "Well I was thinking about how many times we almost lost each other back in New York and I can't help but wonder what obstacles may lie ahead for us here in London...I mean we are taking a big step here and I just wanted you to know that I am in this relationship fully. What you may or may not hear about me does not matter, this is us this is now." Her eyes became watery. "And for those who have a problem with it they can come speak to me, or better yet they can all just fuck off." She was smiling from ear to ear, my words really got through to her...or so I thought. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. "Freddie, I will be here every step of the way my love don't you worry...nothing or nobody can scare me away that easily." We held each other for a few more moments and then there was a knock at the door. It was Miami. I opened it "Hey Fred I just thought I should drop in and go over the stage production with you for the tour." Home not even for an hour and already its time to get to work. "Okay let's do it darling" I turned to Theresa "You want to come along or you staying here?". "Actually I kind of wanted to shower and change out of these clothes." I leaned in to kiss her. "Okay dear, if you need anything just ask Phoebe". Miami and I left. "Are the rest of the boys ready yet?" I asked him. "Yes they are on their way over to the arena now." I lit a cigarette as we walked to the car.

At the arena, there were a bunch of fans hanging around hoping for some autographs. I walked over and said "Hello lovies" as I took their notepads to sign. "Freddie you are so sexy" screamed on of the girls "Thanks darling" I said back. I finished handing out autographs and heard someone call out "Too bad he only likes cocks" I stopped in my tracks and turned back around unsure of who said it. "Who said that?" I spoke out. Nobody answered and had shocked looks on their faces. "Well not that its any of your business but I just so happen to have a nice wet little pussy at home waiting for me as we'll all get to know her very soon so carry on mates". I turned back around mumbling to myself "Don't let them get to ya Fred" said Miami. "I just think its hilarious people think they know me." I said taking a drag of my cigarette. We walked in, there stood Brian and John. "Hey Fred" called out John. Brian was tuning up special red he looked up and put his head back down. "Where's Roger?" I asked John. "He's in the back, shagging one of the fans from outside." "What is he giving Theresa and I a run for our money?" John and I both laughed.

The rest of the day was very boring dears just a few rehearsals, costume changes, and a few tiffs here and there. I was ready to go back home to Theresa. I finally arrived back home I was tired but still had adrenaline from rehearsing. As much as touring was a pain I still loved the thrill of the feeling I got performing in front of all our fans. I walked in to a lovely aroma, Phoebe was making a delicious dinner. "Where's my girl?" I asked him. "She's upstairs I believe" he said. "Thank you darling, by the way it smells lovely." I said to him, I always wanted those who work for me to know how much I appreciate them. I walked into the room. The bathroom door was slightly opened, Theresa stood over the toilet. "Go away, this is not a pretty sight." she said. "What happened? are you okay?" I asked pulling her hair back for her. "Yes I am fine, I just think I am a little jet lagged." She flushed the toilet and washed her face. I helped her to the bed. She laid down pulled the covers over her, "I'll be skipping dinner tonight baby" she said. "Okay darling." I kissed her head, poor little pussy cat. I went back downstairs to enjoy the feast myself. After dinner I went back upstairs to rest up, I had to be back at the arena for more rehearsals at 6am sharp.

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