Piss ant

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Before I knew it Theresa was 5 months along and showing. Her belly was round and poked out like a basketball. She wore pregnancy very well I must say, her tits were even bigger and perkier she looked fantastic. Dr. Evans was coming by monthly as he wished. Theresa and the twins were doing fine according to him. Although we were a bit concerned because Theresa was carrying small for twins. We both wondered how could there possibly be 2 little ones in there. Dr Evans assured us everything was okay. "What the fuck!!!!" I heard Theresa crying out from our bedroom. "What is it darling?" I asked peeking my head around the corner. "Nothing fits me ugh what the hell!" she cried out throwing her clothes out from the closet into a pile. She looked so cute throwing a tantrum like a child, "Well then why don't we go shopping!" I said holding her from behind rubbing her belly. "Really? you would risk going in public even though nobody knows we are engaged never mind having babies?" she asked looking up at me. "Well...no time like the present." I said "Okay!" she said as she reached up for a kiss. "Ready when you are dear!" I smacked her cute little ass.

There we were hand in hand walking into the most expensive maternity store. People were whispering and watching us as we walked by, Theresa rubbing her belly. "Ohh this is all so perfect especially for when I grow larger.." she said holding up a dress to her. "But...darling 2 of you could fit in that right now...how much larger are you going to get?" I said raising an eyebrow. Theresa giggled "Silly man, we are having twins I am going to be a lot bigger then this...surely." I looked down at her belly, "Hmm I suppose..." God bless women and what they can do with their bodies, you are all bloody warriors! As Theresa and I were checking out a reporter came up to us with a microphone in hand "Freddie Mercury Is it true that this woman is carrying your child? Are you back together? What about your gay past? When is she due?" I waved my hand backing away the woman "Darling how ever do you expect me to answer 4 shitty questions such as those at once?" The woman looked stunned but proceeded to ask another question "Is this your child?" she asked following us "Yes...it is" I answered putting on my glasses. We walked out of the store to be ambushed by more paps, they were flashing pictures left from right. This shall be all over the newspapers by tomorrow. Good thing our friends and family knew already.

"Freddie?" said Theresa as we returned home. "Yes my love?" I answered as I put all the bags down. "How come you didn't tell that reporter we are having twins? and how come you did not say 'they' instead of acknowledging just one child..." I looked back at Theresa putting a hand on her shoulder. "Theresa dear, you can't get insecure about this...I know that we are going to raise both children together and I already told you I will treat both of them as my own...don't worry yourself about it darling." I kissed her forehead "Okay but you still did not answer my question...why did you not say they were twins...that was the perfect opportunity." I became a bit annoyed "Damn it Theresa just drop it, I do not have to explain myself to those reporters...they will find out when the time is right..." I walked over to the mini bar to make myself a drink. Theresa stood frozen "Or maybe you don't want them to find out...you are ashamed to be with me...admit it for once!" she cried out. "Oh don't be ridiculous!" I said rolling my eyes. "You know something Fred...you can be a real dick sometimes!" she wobbled to our room and slammed the door. She knows I hate it when she calls me Fred.

Suddenly the phone rang, it was Phoebe who was back in London preparing Garden Lodge to bring back the babies in. "Hello Phoebe how is everything?" I said sipping my vodka tonic. "Good...but something odd came up that I thought you should know about..." he sounded a bit nervous. "Well what is it?" I asked, "A package arrived today from...Paul" I was shocked "Paul? what the fuck does that piss ant want?". "Not sure I did not open it..." After all these years Phoebe never made a move without seeking my permission first...he was such a loyal friend. "Well go ahead dear open it..." I waited for Phoebe to tell me what it contained "There is 2 little onesies and a note it says Congrats on the twins Fred, never thought i'd see the day...hope all is well best wishes, Paul xo

"Fuck that little tart!" I yelled into the phone. "Toss it out dear" I said to Phoebe as I hung up before he could respond. After Paul completely betrayed me I had no intentions of ever reconciling with him, once you crossed that line there is no crossing it back! As I was in my head about the sheer nerve of this twit I suddenly realized something "....How the fuck did he know we are having twins?" I mumbled to myself.

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