How we met

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There she is

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There she is...that's the little devil...on the left. Theresa, the woman who came into my life and turned it upside down. I know what you buggers are thinking...2 women at a time Fred? 😉 yes get a few drinks in me there's no telling who or what i'll shag. The girl on the right is her friend Gwen. This is the night we met. After recording in the studio with the boys, I went out with Paul pretner to a bar that was not much further from the studio. It was here I met my little pussy cat. I walked in with Paul looking over the scene, wondering who i'll be ravishing later cock was hungry. Who I ended up with was someone I did not expect. I walked over to the bar while Paul went to the bathroom. There were 2 women having a few beers sitting beside me. "Vodka tonic please darling" I said to the bartender...I wonder how big his cock is? maybe i'll find out later. I took but a few sips of my drink and next thing I know it is spilled all over my lap. One of the ladies next to me fell off her stool and I caught her. Dropping my drink from my hands. When she turned around and looked at me that's when something was awoken. Her long black hair swiped my face, and our eyes locked. I felt my chest tighten, she was smashing. She had a beautiful set of deep dark brown eyes. Sort of like my own. She had the prettiest smile and a cute little voice. "Oh my, I am so sorry...I can't begin to describe how embarrassed I am." Still not speaking she stood in front of me scanning me with her eyes. I was waiting for some fan-girlish act but instead she just waited for my response quietly. Just then I said "It's fine dear" her friend had popped her head up and noticed me. "Oh my God Theresa do you know who he is?! that is Freddie Mercury...the leader of Queen." Not amused I said back "Actually darling, there is no leader...I am just the lead singer is all...we are all 4 equal parts." Theresa was still looking at me. She stood with her mouth slightly open. She was looking at me up and down, her eyes were capturing I could get lost in them. "Like what you see?" I said winking at her. I was not always so forward but it just slipped out. "I...I am so sorry for interrupting your evening Sir Mercury..." She was trembling now, I could not help but smile at her. The poor thing was so nervous. "Again it is quite alright dear, no worries and please a pretty little thing like you shall call me Freddie." Just then Paul appeared he asked what was going on. "Um we were just on our way actually." Theresa grabbed Gwen's arm and the 2 walked towards the exit. I watched over Paul's shoulder as they walked away...Theresa turned back and looked over...we made eye contact again...she knew I was watching her now...she smiled a bit and then they disappeared around the corner. That's it I said to myself...I told Paul to order more drinks as I got up and adjusted myself. My pants were still a bit damp. I walked over to the door they left through and saw them standing there still...possibly waiting for a cab. I was now standing behind Theresa. Even the way she stood was a work of art. Her legs were slender and looked buttery smooth, she held her hands politely in front of her, her hair almost touched her bum. I tapped her shoulder she turned around looked at me. "Oh Hi Freddie, is there something wrong?" she asked. Gwen was still a bit star struck staring at me with her mouth open. "Actually I was wondering if you'd be interested in having a few drinks with me, I can give you a ride home." The girls looked at each other, Theresa opened her mouth but Gwen screamed before she could speak "Yes yes we will!!!" I was actually only talking to Theresa but the poor dear was excited and her friend after all so I let her tag along. We walked back over to Paul who was waiting with a drink for me. He had a confused look on his face. "Hey Fred what is going on?." "These are my new friends darling, Theresa and Gwen." Paul looked at them not very amused and shook their hands. "I am Paul" he said. The girls introduced themselves. Paul was always possessive over me. We had fooled around back in the days...but we were only great friends I trusted him a lot. Maybe I was foolish for that but I hadn't a lot of friends. I finished my vodka tonic and said to them "Shall we bring this party to the car, my legs are a bit damp." Theresa blushed and stared at my crotch, she looked for awhile. When her eyes finally met mine I winked at her. She turned red again. I loved embarrassing her. We got in the car, poured a few drinks. I had some champagne on ice. A few drinks later the girls started to open up. I learned that they were roomates and both were nurses, Theresa was single...which for some reason excited me. "What is going Freddie?" I thought to myself. Sure she was gorgeous but she did not have a cock between her legs...I came here looking for a big cock, the bigger the better darlings! for some reason I couldn't stop trailing her body. Her posture was beautiful she had a small curve in her back, her plump little bum stuck out a bit, her neck was long and her lips looked soft. I was smitten. A few laughs and jokes were exchanged, a few autographs were also are welcome Gwen. They had asked for a picture. That is where this little gem above came from. Paul was our lovely photographer, I had gotten Theresa's number. She went to get out the car and as she bent over I smacked her cute little bum. She turned around and I smiled "See you real soon".

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