The Interview

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At the recording studio the boys and I were feeling very frustrated with each other we just simply could not come to an agreement on which tracks to put on the album. I lit a cigarette and walked out of the booth, John joined me. He was a quiet lad but he always opened up with me we had a special bond him and I. "Got a little heated back there wouldn't you say mate?" said John. "Yes its like a cock fight" I said laughing. John laughed too and then stopped and looked at me. "Fred...what's going on with you and this Theresa person? I spoke to Paul earlier he seemed very upset he said that you were falling for a gold digger". That bastard, I mean really who is he to go around spreading rubbish like that...this is why I never trust anyone. "He's just a fool I am not sure what has gotten into him lately but yes one thing is true...I have fallen for her I believe...its something I cannot explain John...she has cast a spell on me...but I will have it be known she has not asked me for one dime or has expected anything out of me, she is a real lady and I intend on persuing a relationship with her." I usually don't blabble about my personal affairs but John was always someone I can confide in. "Wow well that's great Fred, you know me and the boys will support you 100%". "Thank you darling" I said. "Hey Fred they want us to do a quick interview you up for it?" said Brian as he walked in. "Bloody hell, I hate interviews...might as well get it over with before they bore me to death."

Reporter: Here I sit down with the members of one of worlds biggest rock group Queen! Hello Freddie,Brian,Roger and John we want to thank you for joining us.

We nod our heads. "Yes thank you for having us" says Brian.

Reporter: Yes so Freddie there has been some rumors about your sexuality but recently there has been claims of a woman in your this true?

"Well darling I have not discussed it with her yet but yes there is a very important woman in my life at the moment."

Reporter: How does she feel about you being gay?

"What kind of shit question is that? who said anything about being asked if there was a woman in my life I said yes...carry on"

Reporter: Yes but over the years there have been some revealing pictures of you's just a shock to see a woman in the picture.

"Darling we can sit here and talk about what and who I do with my cock or we can talk about the music which is it?"

Reporter: *clears throat* right um...carry on...just one last thing...were you aware that this woman slept with your best friend?

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Cut" yelled the director.

"I am fucking done with this shit show, get this asshole out of my face" I yelled out. I was completely enraged, this is one of the reasons why I hate interviews and why I have only given a few over the years of my life. I had so many questions myself. Where are these tabloids getting all this information from? I have had it up to here with everybody at this point. I mean surely you can all imagine my annoyance. Brian walked in my dressing room "You ok there lad?" he said. "Oh yes im fine dear, I just don't know where they are getting all this false info from". "Who knows...I wouldn't think too much of it" said Brian. "Yes well...its not me I am worried about its Theresa she don't deserve this shit". I left the studio heading back to my hotel room...I cannot wait to finish the bloody album. I opened my door to find a drunken Paul laying on my bed. "Hey Freddie we heading out tonight?". Although I was still pretty furious about our little tiff it was good to know there was someone who I could go out and have some fun with. "Of fucking course we are darling, after the day I had today I am getting shit faced". Paul jumped up stumbling "Yea there's the Fred I love, so where shall it be?". "I don't know dear anywhere that has a bar". I went into the bathroom closing the door behind me, I got dressed and came out to Paul and now a very sexy looking Winnie. "Oh hello dear, when did you get here?" I said. "Oh about 10 minutes ago" said Winnie. "I invited him along for the fun Fred is that okay?". Paul knows how I am around Winnie especially drunk. I'll stick my cock anywhere he allows me too. He was quite handsome. Even though our relationship failed, we still remained good friends. "Yes of course that's okay" I replied. I suddenly got the impression that Paul was trying to test my limits and see just how committed I was to Theresa. I'll show him, in fact i'll show them all. My dear little Theresa is all I got right now. I called Theresa to let her know where I would be if she needed me and if she wanted to she could let herself in my room later tonight and wait for me to get home so I could fuck her mad. She did not answer though, I told Phoebe to make sure she gets the message if she calls back. The 3 of us headed out.

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