Back on the road

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It was time to get things rolling again, the tour shall continue. Theresa and I were doing much better, we were fucking madly and I felt closer to her then ever. Gwen is still here, Theresa wanted to extend her was no matter to me, she was a lovely girl. Tonight i'd have both of them watching the show from backstage.

 Tonight i'd have both of them watching the show from backstage

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The show was magnificent, the crowd was sexy as ever and they made me feel on top of the world

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The show was magnificent, the crowd was sexy as ever and they made me feel on top of the world. Roger, John and I returned to our dressing rooms while Brian was doing his famous guitar solos. I walked behind the curtain to find Theresa and Gwen waiting for us. Theresa handed me a towel and jumped on me "You are so amazing baby, you get greater with each performance." I smacked her bottom, "Thank you dear." I sat down and closed my eyes for a bit, I was still feeling the rush hearing the screaming fans cheer on Brian. It was such a thrilling feeling. Miami came up to me holding a newspaper it was folded up. "Fred I know this is not the time, but I thought you should see this before.....Theresa does." He opened the newspaper slightly enough so only he and I could see it, and there it was. Yet another reason to cause a tiff between me and my darling Theresa. The caption read "The many lovers of Mercury" and it had pictures from the night of the boat party. There was one of Theresa and I, she was sitting on my lap and right next to it there was one of me and Joe kissing. It was taken from a far view but it was definitely us. "What the fuck!" I yelled out punching the wall. Theresa and Gwen jumped, "is everything okay Freddie?" Theresa asked. "Its fine darling, I must get back to the stage...just...please remember that I love you." She looked at me confused "Yes baby I love you too, now go show them who's boss" she said blowing me a kiss as I walked off.

The show was over and we all returned to the dressing rooms, Roger and I got changed into regular clothes

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The show was over and we all returned to the dressing rooms, Roger and I got changed into regular clothes...we decided to take the girls out for some fun the night was still young after all. I know what you are all thinking how could I continue on after a show? you see lovies its actually quite hard for me to come down from the adrenaline rush performing gave me I create a monster on stage. A few beers and a few lines of coke also helps. I had Miami toss out that dreadful newspaper, I was going to tell Theresa about it but not until we had some fun.

We arrived at the club, Roger was my wingman for Gwen. I am pretty sure he did not mind, he told me he and Gwen shagged that night. I wish I could say the same for me and Theresa....anyways there was plenty of drinking, plenty of dancing. Theresa was smashed, she came up and straddled me forgetting we were in public. I didn't mind if she didn't, I kissed her and whispered into her ear "be careful darling, before I strip you naked right here". "Let's go home" she said tugging on my hair. I got up and put my drink on the bar when all of a sudden Theresa fell over "Hey watch it!" she yelled out. I turned around and it was a couple of shit faced fans. "'s...Freeeeedie Merrrcury" one of them slurred. "Yea and the girl in the the chap really does go both ways." said the other one, "Hey would you mind signing this for me?" they held out the newspaper. Word travels fast ay? I looked down at Theresa who was drunkenly trying to collect herself from the floor. "Get that trash away from me" I said as I bent down to help her up. Theresa looked up and caught glimpse of the paper. "Hold on...can I see that?" she asked. "Sure...hey can we have your autograph at least?" they asked. Theresa let go of the hand I gave her to help her keep her balance she turned and looked at me coldly "Are you kidding me Freddie...again?!" she yelled. "Theresa I swear I was going to tell you about it but I wanted us to have some fun first, you can't be angry at me for everything the tabloids print." She threw her arms in the air, "Freddie its not the article I am mad it, I know you have no control over that...but you certainly have control over who the fuck you plant your lips on." She threw the newspaper at me, "I am at home grieving the loss of our child and you are out here doing this?" she cried out. The couple of fans looked at each other in shock and ran off. I had no patience for this, my head was beginning to hurt. All I wanted was a night of fun, this whole relationship thing was starting to bring me down.

"Theresa...I am really not in the mood right now." I said holding the sides of my head. She stood there and froze a moment, "Fine...I'll just leave." She turned around and pushed her way through the crowd, I watched her leave. I wanted to get up and chase her, I assure you I really did but I was under way too much pressure. My focus needed to be on finishing the rest of this tour, also I wanted to start my solo album by the start of next year (84'). I loved Theresa a lot, she took my soul by surprise. I still have yet to figure out how she captivated me.

I returned home, Theresa was sleeping in the guest room with Gwen. I felt sorry, but I felt like every time we fixed an issue a new one started. I woke up to a mean hangover, my head was throbbing and my stomach was turned. I had Phoebe fix me a cup of tea, "Are the girls up?" I asked him. "Actually they left about an hour ago...Theresa did not want me to wake you." I forced myself to get up and get dressed. I felt a bit better after I took a shower. I was curious to find out where Theresa and Gwen took off. I was starting to wonder why she did not tell Phoebe where they went. I walked into the guest room, the bed was made and everything was precise. I was just about to shut the door when I noticed a folded piece of paper was put underneath the cute little Japanese vase I got as a gift from Mary. I took it out and unfolded it.

Freddie, I think it is best I return to New York with least until the tour is over, maybe we can figure this out after...or maybe not at all...I love you so much, and I appreciate all you have done for me...and Gwen as well, you will forever hold a place in my heart..I just can't go on like this anymore, I think we may have jumped into it too fast....I hope you take care of yourself.

Love always, Theresa.

My heart sunk, I felt tears rush to my eyes...I did not know what to do. Should I go after her? or should I let her go? my mind was racing.

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