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For the past 2 nights I have been sleeping in Roger's room. He has no idea why, he assumes its because of the pregnancy little did he know my fiance' was also carrying someone else's child. I can hardly look Theresa in the face, who the fuck wants to be involved in this sci-fi shit? certainly not me. I will be there for my child, I will love him or her for eternity, but how are we supposed to be a family with this atrocity? I have no right to ask Theresa to terminate and truthfully I don't want her to. Seeing my little darling baby on the monitor melted me like butter, maybe being a father won't be so bad. I felt bad giving Theresa the cold shoulder but if she never shagged a complete stranger both those babies could be mine. "Hey Fred let's go get a drink, its our last night and we haven't had any fun yet." said Roger, "excuse me? oh I think you had plenty of fun I bet if I brought a black light right through here there would be cum stains everywhere." Roger put a sour face on "Oh pipe down nasty, we aren't all animals like you". I smiled pleased with myself and then realized how in fact boring my sex life was right now. Theresa and I had the most passionate, hot, steamy sex. I have never came harder by someone else in my life, she really knew how to work me. So being spoiled by how good she fucked, I couldn't stand not getting any its like going through withdrawal I tell you.

"Let's do it darling" I said to Roger as we both did a few lines and headed out. We went to the hottest club in New York, it was so packed and the hype was intense so if anyone would recognize us they'd loose us in the crowds before they could even approach us. High and on my way to getting completely shit faced I noticed a handsome man watching me from the moment we walked in. Not in a way of a fan meeting their idol, a way as a man who wanted a big fat cock. I tried to ignore him but I could feel his eyes burning a hole through me. "Can I buy you a drink?" I heard a deep hoarse voice ask from behind me. I turned around already knowing it was the fellow who had been undressing me with his eyes. "Sorry are barking up the wrong tree" I said sipping my vodka tonic. "Shame...I can tell you have a big cock by the way you walk....I know because mine is big too" I looked up at him, he was staring at my crotch. I finished my drink and put it down without saying anything else to him I headed for the bathroom. I was in the middle of splashing cold water on my face when I felt a hand touch my bottom. I jumped and turned around quickly "What the fuck are you doing?" I turned to find it was that handsome chap again, "Oh don't act like you don't like it" he said as he leaned in to kiss me. I was intrigued by his cockiness, next thing I knew we were in a stall making out. He pulled his cock out of his pants and he was not joking, it was fucking huge. Surely not as big as mine but pretty impressive. Just as I was about to allow him to go further I remembered my dear Theresa who was at the hotel alone not knowing where her fiance' was. "Sorry darling, you are very gifted and if this was a year ago I'd probably fuck you but I am happily taken." I pushed him out of the way exiting the stall. The lights were getting to me, I felt faint. "Roger...let's get out of here mate!" I yelled to him as he had a little tart sitting in his lap. "Okay but you might want to sleep in your room tonight" he said practically fondling the girl. "Yeah yeah fine by me now let's gooooo" I whined, my head was hurting and I was beginning to come down from my high and the liquor was making me feel low, I just wanted to be in Theresa's arms at this point. Finally getting back to the hotel I emerged out the car, having to hear and watch Roger and his tart for the night fondle each other the whole ride back I was exhausted.

I walked in to find Theresa laying in bed sound asleep, she looked so innocent and peaceful. Maybe I was a bit harsh, she would never deliberately betray me. I let my emotions get this best of me, its true darlings on stage I am very powerful nothing is stopping me. Off stage I am human, I wear a lot of scars. I crept in bed putting an arm around Theresa's waist. She already had a little pouch sticking out I had not noticed before. I gently rubbed it trying not to wake her. She opened her eyes a bit and looked over her shoulder "Freddie?" she said yawning. "Yes darling..." I replied back softly, "Don't ever leave me again...". I looked into her deep dark eyes, they were filled with truth and love. I kissed the top of her head "I'm not going anywhere." I said as I kissed the top of head. She slowly drifted back off with a smile on her face. I felt horrible for what almost happened tonight at the club, if I had knowingly cheated on Theresa that would have resulted severe consequences. I had a family now, when we get back to Munich a lot of things are going to change...forever.

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