Paul's interview

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There he is

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There he is...the rat bastard, in his interview where the only thing he destroyed was our friendship. I never did see Paul after this but If I do he better watch his fucking ass.

Reporter: Here we sit with one of the world's greatest frontman, the lead singer of Queen Freddie Mercury's longtime friend Paul Prenter. Hello Paul thank you for joining us.

Paul: Hello, thank you for having me

Reporter: Now let's get straight to the answers we all want to hear. Is Freddie indeed gay?

Paul: From what I have seen yes he is. He has never openly said it to me but I can vouch for a few occasions I have been around for.

Reporter: Interesting...have you and Freddie know?

Paul: No, me and Fred talked about it a few times but we decided to be good friends.

Reporter: So what is this thing he has going with this Theresa character? Do you think she stands a chance?

Paul: *laughs to himself* You know Fred will do just about anyone...especially when drunk...If I was her I wouldn't feel too special. That's all I have to say about that.

Reporter: what brings you here today? how exactly do you think Freddie will feel about you giving out this information...?

Paul: I love Freddie I really do...but I feel bad that he is living in a fantasy world right now...I am just trying to help him out.

Reporter: Right...Okay well that's all we have time for today...thank you again to our special guest Mr. Paul Prenter for joining us today.

I turned the television off in disgust

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I turned the television off in disgust. I was fuming as you can tell by my face in this gorgeous photo above. No but seriously darlings, I could feel my body temperature rise at that point. Not only was this rubbish broadcast on live television but my dear Theresa has not spoken to me for 3 days. I tried everything. We were getting closer to touring for The Works. I did not want to leave things the way they were between us but she was being unfair. I should have known nothing is meant to last for me. I learned that with Mary. Although we remained friends, we just simply could not be together, but it was different with Theresa. She made my soul dance. She captured my heart when our eyes met. I did feel silly because we still hardly knew anything about each other. We just feel so deep into our feelings and the connection we had it just felt so right. I missed her like crazy.

We will be touring back in the UK. Which means I will be leaving New York. I wanted to see her one more time before leaving. I decided to wait outside her apartment on my last night in NY until she returned home. I had my driver park in front. An hour later she finally pulled up in a cab. She got out slowly and stood there for a moment. She knew it was me. She started walking towards the car. I could not read her face through my glasses or the tinted windows. I rolled my window down she stuck her head in. "Freddie what are you doing here?" Well so much for a hello. "Look Theresa darling...I will be returning to London tomorrow...we are going on tour...I just wanted to see you one last time." She looked down at the ground and then back at me, her eyes were watery. I took my glasses off and touched her face. A warm tear fell down and touched my hand. "Theresa...don't cry...I promise was only you I cared about...I still do and always mean everything to me...I never said being with me was going to be easy...I mean darling I am a rock star...It's not easy for me either, you think I like people constantly interfering with me personal life? No, but it's a price I pay to do what I love...and now I love you, and I thought you knew that...I thought our bond was different but maybe I was wrong." Her tears stopped and now she was smiling. "Oh Freddie do you really mean it?" I stroked the side of her soft face. "Of course dear." She kissed me hard and then backed up away from the car. "Come up" she said gazing at me with seducing eyes. "Go home..." I said to my driver and got out the car. I picked Theresa up and spun her around. She laughed with happiness. I put her back down smacking her bum as she took her keys out to open the door. Looks like I am back in lovies😉.

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