Our first fight

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"Freddie, hey it's time to get up...you got to be at the press conference for The Works." I woke up to Phoebe standing over me. I felt much better but I looked like hell. I looked around and noticed Theresa was not back. "Phoebe dear, have you heard from Theresa did she ever return earlier?". Phoebe looked over at me as he was getting my things ready for me, "Yes actually she came back and told me to tell you she had picked up a shift at the hospital she will meet you at the dinner party later on." I felt relieved, maybe it wasn't the camera I saw. I was so groggy earlier who knows what I seen. I got up had a cup of tea and got dressed.

 I got up had a cup of tea and got dressed

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Here we are promoting the new album. We were very happy to have completed it. "Hey Freddie, did you hear about Paul's scheduled interview?" said Joe Fanelli. I looked over at him, "No dear I have not, what are they interviewing him for?". "Not sure he did not really say much about it, he just said that it was going to be a life changer." Odd, Paul was not the type to be happy about giving interviews. Not that I knew anybody who was happy to give an interview. Those things are awful. I love my job but I hate talking to reporters. I finished my cigarette and took a few more pictures with the boys. Roger, Brian, John and I returned to our dressing room. Roger came in clapping his hands "So who is getting laid tonight after this dinner party fellas?" I laughed at him and said "Well we know who is not" I teased him and pushed him. "Sorry Fred we all can't be married like you, well except John." John had a sarcastic look on his face. "Oh darling don't be ridiculous, Theresa and I are new into our relationship we still have ways to go." Brian stood up and put his hand on my shoulder. "You know Fred...it really is lovely to see you so committed and have someone committed to you as well." Bri, he could be a big soft wanker sometimes. "Aw well thank you dear, it is like turning a new leaf I tell you." We hung around and joked for a bit more and before we knew it, it was almost time for the dinner party. I must return to my hotel and get ready.

I arrived back at the hotel. Phoebe was at the receptionist desk, I walked over to him. He looked like he just had a gun to his head. "Phoebe what is it?". "Freddie I...I don't trust Paul, he...he came here looking for you threatening to tell everyone about your sexuality, he said either you end it with Theresa or he will burn you down to the ground." I felt my blood boil, I knew Paul was upset but never did I think he would stoop this low. "For fuck sakes why now does this little mother fucker have to try to jeopardize my career, my relationship after everything I done for that irish prick". Phoebe knew how upset I was, he was not sure how to comfort me. "Freddie, I...i'm sorry if there is anything I can do please let me know." I punched a hole in my door as we walked up to it. "Fuck" I growled out. Phoebe took out his keys and opened the door. I was no longer in a mood for this dinner party but at least I knew my little kitty cat would be waiting for me. I took a long hot shower and tried to get my head straight. I knew if I confronted Paul myself I would probably beat him to a pulp. I asked Phoebe to make me a drink maybe that would have helped my nerves. I drank it down and noticed the time. "Well...I guess we should get going." Phoebe and I were on our way out.

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