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My mind was racing with thoughts lovies, is this the end? are we better off apart? am I meant to be alone? then suddenly something in me clicked and I clenched my fist. I knew what I had to do, I had to go get my girl back.

I yelled for Phoebe as I was running down the stairs, "what what is it are you okay?!" he screamed. I nearly gave the poor fellow a heart attack with my screams of plea. "I need you to drive me to the airport quickly, there is no time to wait for the driver." Phoebe and I raced out of the house into one of my cars. We drove faster then the limit that is for sure. Although thinking back to the car ride it felt like it took forever. I felt myself digging my nails into my legs, I was praying the plane did not take off.

"Freddie how are you going to walk through the airport without being noticed?" Phoebe asked me. True, I did not think this through clearly, I tried to think of what I can do. "You are just going to have to find her for me and bring her out to me...please Phoebe can you do this?". He looked at me with an indecisive look on his face. We finally pulled up and parked in front. Phoebe opened the door "I'll bring her back to you Freddie I promise." What a dear friend Phoebe was, "thank you darling" I said as he shut the car door behind him. I was so nervous my chest was tight. I was not sure what to even say to Theresa all I knew was she could not leave me like this. She had to know how much I loved her.

I waited in the car, fidgeting...tapping my hand against the door. I looked up and saw Phoebe walking out...with no Theresa. I rolled down the window, "Where is she promised." "Relax Fred I found her, but she won't come out." I was so hurt, "What do you mean why not?". Phoebe looked down and then back up at me. "She's tired of feeling sad" he said, I flew out the car...ran inside not caring who might have noticed me. Phoebe ran in after me, concerned of what would happen if someone recognized me. He caught up to me, "they are over this way...." he said pointing me to the right direction. When we finally turned the corner, there she darling Theresa...staring out the window...her eyes looked heavy and her cheeks were rosy as if she was crying. I slowed my pace and slowly started walking towards her, swallowing the lump in my throat. She looked up and we made eye contact. I stopped in my tracks, only 8 feet away from her. Suddenly she slowly stood up from her seat. We both stared at each other for what seem like an eternity. I suddenly could no longer hear all the noise around me. Only thing I heard was my heart beat. I blinked and broke the intense stare down Theresa and I were having all of a sudden she dropped everything in her arms and began running towards me. I took her in with open arms and she hugged me, she hugged me so tight I almost clouldn't breathe. I rubbed her back up and down, patting her hair down...we rocked back and forth, Gwen and Phoebe were now standing next to each other, looking confused. I could hear Theresa quietly sobbing on my shoulder and felt her body tremble. "Theresa...." I said ever so softly. I tried to let her loose but she wouldn't let me, she held on even tighter. "No...Freddie please I can't look at you...if I look into your eyes on more time...I won't be able to leave...I have to go" she said. "You don't have to go darling, please...I want you to stay with me...we have a relationship...I promise once the tour is over i'll go back to New York with you." She let go of me and had her head down, she really would not look me in the eyes. "No Freddie, I shouldn't of came in the first place....I need to clear my head...I'm going." My heart ached, I was filled with so much anger and sadness. "Can you kiss me one last time?" I asked her. She nodded her head yes while looking past my shoulder, still avoiding eye contact. I cupped her face, and leaned it to kiss her. It was the most gentle yet forceful kiss we ever had, there were fireworks going off...I knew she felt it too. "Destination to New York departing in 10 minutes please board the plane and take your seats" said a woman's voice on the intercom. Theresa looked over to Gwen "come on we need to get going" she said wiping her tears. I looked at Gwen she was mouthing the words "I'm sorry." I held my hand up waving goodbye. I watched as they got on the plane.

I was crushed, for the first time I actually wanted a relationship more then the person I was with. I knew what rejection felt like for the first time and yet I still wanted her...I wanted more. This can't be how it ends, it just can't be.

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