The next day

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The next day after mine and Theresa's shag, the boys and I had a photo shoot. "Cat got your tongue ay Fred?" said Roger. Well you can put it that way I suppose some form of kitty that is. "Roger be a dear and fuck off" I said with a smirk, he got the hint. I was in no mood to discuss anything, I am completely baffled at these turn of events still. I craved more of Theresa but not even just her temple, to hear her little voice and see that beautiful smile would be enough. After the shoot one of my ex lovers Winnie showed up with Paul. He was looking for a quick shag, as tight as his little ass was I was not interested. "Oh not today darling, I'm feeling under the weather." "Can I at least suck you off?" asked Winnie. Who am I kidding I can always go for a blow job, after all Theresa and I were not even close to being official. I am still the single rock God I have always been. After Winnie finished giving me a fantastic blow job I walked out of my dressing room with him following behind me. I had almost forgotten how well that boy can suck a cock. As I walked out, I bumped into someone. To my shock, it was Theresa. She looked like she had seen a ghost, she stood there mouth wide open staring at my crotch. My fly was still down and my trousers were unbuttoned. Winnie walked past us wiping his mouth and smacked my bottom. "Oh...oh my goodness, I am so terribly sorry Freddie um....I should get going." I reached for her arm "Theresa wait, darling..." she was already halfway down the hall. "Problem?" said Paul with a smirk on his face. "Who the fuck let her in here? I told you all I needed a few minutes of peace" Paul looked at me rubbing his head "Well geez Fred I mean who cares what some broad thinks?" To my annoyance I glared at Paul, sometimes I want to give him a real punch in the jaw. "Shut up Paul I mean really just stay out of it" Paul looked confused as I walked out he said in a lower tone "Hey come on Fred I was just messing around." I was too angry to speak anymore. Poor Theresa had no idea what she would walk into. I thought it'd be best to call her. After all she came to see me for some kind of reason. I went back to my hotel room, I had flashbacks of our previous night...remembering how good she felt and how sweet she smelled. My heart began to race, as I dialed her number. Someone picked up but did not say anything I could hear breathing, "Hello Theresa? darling are you there its Freddie" She finally spoke "Yes Freddie I am here, I am very sorry about today I had no idea you were um...busy...I was told you were only getting your make up touched up or else I would have never intervened." Forgetting to ask her who told her that, I continued to tell her how sorry I was she had to see that. She kept trying to convince me that it was okay and that it was her fault. I felt awful, not for anything but the fact that her and I were just intimate and I did not want her to think she was nothing but a good fuck, I had feelings for this little kitty cat but I just wasn't sure if I should explore them more. "Theresa....I....I really like you, I just hope you don't  think our night wasn't special to me." She was silent and I didn't like it. "It was special to me too Freddie....I have to go...have a good night." Click. She hung up, and now I felt even worse. She sounded so sincere with that last part but I can tell it was hard for her to say. Probably because she knew my cock was just inside Winnie's mouth moments before. What is happening to me lately? I'm losing my touch.

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