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It was so good to have Theresa back home, although she was less active and spent most of the day lying in bed she was beautiful as ever, her belly was growing rapidly now as she approached the 7th month of pregnancy. We were making plans to move back to Garden Lodge soon, we wanted to be back there before she gave birth. In the meantime I had hired a P.I. (personal investagator) to find out whatever he can about Paul and the tart who claimed he fucked the love of my life and that dreadful Dr. Evans. I had not told Theresa about any of this not wanting to upset her and worry her, I hated lying to her but she was very fragile. I could not bare for anything to happen to her or our precious little girl. Sam was the name of the P.I. I hired, today he would be stopping by the house to fill me in on his new findings. I told Theresa he was an interior decorator, with her not leaving our room a lot these days it wasn't hard to fool her.

"Freddie, can you lay next to me until I fall asleep?" asked Theresa, "but of course my dear!" I walked over to the bed and laid down beside her, she put her head on my chest. Her hair smelled like coconut as I inhaled and closed my eyes, my life has literally been turned upside down since I met Theresa. Of course all the bad that has happened is not her fault, I will never regret meeting her she is my soulmate after all. Even with all the negative, she is still the best thing that has ever happened to me and although I never really planned for it, she is now giving me a beautiful daughter. I cannot wait to marry her, just as I was lost in my thoughts I felt Theresa's hand move down my thigh. "Hey...what are you doing down there?" I said to her opening my eyes, "ohh nothing I just miss this giant cock of yours" she said with a sly smirk. Although the doctors reassured us sex was safe we both did not want to over do it, we were only having sex once a week if that now a days. I must admit it was rather dreadful, my cock is not used to the neglect but I am an understanding person after all. Theresa continued to stroke my cock, "Darling...please...if you continue I will be forced to shove it down your throat" Theresa giggled, "sorry baby its just these stupid hormones they make me SO horny...I miss getting fucked by you every night." I smiled, my darling Theresa is a sex addict just as much as I am she was probably suffering just as much as I was. I took her hand off and moved down the bed and spread her legs apart, "what are you doing?" she asked peeking over her round belly, "You wanna get off right? well that's what I am here for darling" I removed Theresa's panties, her swollen pussy was exposed to me. She was not kidding about the hormones, she was already wet I could see the glistening juices around her entrance. I licked 2 of my fingers and gently placed them inside of her, "Ohhh yes..." she said arching her back, I continued to finger fuck her watching her react to the pleasure was so hot, I was so turned on by this my cock was practically touching my knee. I removed my fingers and began to eat her delicious pussy, I shoved my tongue in and out and rubbed her clit with my thumb. Theresa was screaming with ecstasy "Oh God Fred....Freddie...mmm fuck im going to cum!!!" Theresa had a rushing orgasm straight into my mouth, I licked and sucked up every bit of it. I gave Theresa a moment to collect herself she was basically panting like a dog, I reached down to the floor looking for her panties for her it only took me but a moment. When I popped my head back up, Theresa was fast asleep. I scratched my head confused, how does one person fall asleep so quickly without drugs or alcohol? "Ahh the wonders of pregnancy" I said to myself as I walked over to the bed covering Theresa with a blanket. I kissed her forehead and walked out shutting the door behind me.

Just as I was about to head downstairs I head a knock at the front door

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Just as I was about to head downstairs I head a knock at the front door. I was about to answer it myself but Phoebe beat me to it, it was Sam. "Just the man I was hoping to see!" I said as I walked over to him and Phoebe. "Would you like a drink dear?" I asked him. "Umm....sure" he said looking straight at my crotch. I did not realize that I was still fully erected due to Theresa's sexy ass. "Oh...don't mind that dear, it won't bite" I said winking at him. Phoebe laughed and returned to the kitchen to fix our drinks. "Let's sit in the living room shall we?" I said holding my arm out "After you dear..." we sat down on the sofa, Sam placed a folder onto the table. "Make yourself comfortable!" I said, Sam removed his blazer and put it beside him. Clearing his throat he began to speak "Mr. Mercury.." he began "hold it right there!" I said interrupting him, "Please call me Freddie darling" he opened the folder and continued "Okay um...Freddie well I found out quite a lot about this Evans character or shall I say Richard Evans." He handed me a paper it showed a photograph of Evans and a list of background information. "Apparently this Robert Evans has not been an active M.D. for at least 10 years now...and his involvement with Prenter...well apparently they were lovers some time back..." I reached out for my drink taking a huge gulp, the burning in my chest made me choke a bit. "What the fuck!!!" I cried out, "How could I be so fucking stupid?! those fucking cock suckers!" I threw my glass against the wall it smashed causing a loud noise. "Freddie?!" called Theresa from upstairs. "Phoebe will you please tend to her, I got business to take care of." I called out, Phoebe did as I asked without questions. "Okay so where does this all fit in with Theresa and her pregnancy?" I said sitting back down lighting a cigarette. "Well, that is what I am still trying to figure out...Prenter keeps his private life...well private...getting information on him will be harder then Evans and this other fellow." I was feeling annoyed with Sam, I am paying him very well to do this investigating but he is right...once being a close friend of Paul's I know he had the right connections with the right people. "Okay so what about this little piggie?" I asked pulling out the photo of Paul and the other tart. Sam took out another piece of paper and handed it to me. "This is William Robertson, he recently moved to New York and is employed at this club they are at seen together in this picture...that is all I know so far I am still working on his association with Paul." I finished my drink, putting it down I took a long deep breath. "Okay so now that we know who these 2 bastards are, how can we find out the motive behind their actions?" Sam gathered all his papers placing them back in the folder, "Well again Mr...um Freddie, thats going to take me a bit long to uncover but I will get to the bottom of it...in the meantime I suggest you get a restraining order against Mr. Prenter." I giggled at his comment, "Oh for goodness sakes, Paul might be a psycho but he's not like serial killer psycho...i'll man handle him the same way I did with Simon ferocious" Sam looked confused, "Simon ferocious?" I waved my hand away, "Oh never mind...well thank you again for filling me in see you next week...and for your sake I hope you have better information darling!" I opened the door showing Sam out. He left as I shut the door behind him, I was making my way to the kitchen when a ringing from the phone stopped me. "Hello?"

"Freddie...its Paul"

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