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"Oh no no help! Freddie help!" Theresa was screaming shaking me out of my sleep. I quickly sat up "What?! what is it?" I yelled back, she was holding her stomach and lifted the covers off when I looked down my heart fell into my stomach, she was sitting in a pool of blood. "Oh my God!!" I shouted as I jumped out of bed and ran to her side. I lifted her up into my arms she was clutching her belly, "Freddie....please if something should happen...save the babies!" I had no time to answer her I flew down the stairs carrying her, "Phoebe Phoebe hurry!!!!!" I yelled as my voice echoed throughout the house. Phoebe emerged from the kitchen holding a spatula. "What happened?!" he ran to us, Theresa was screaming in pain. "She's bleeding!!!" I cried out. I suddenly felt guilty for all my doubts I have had during Theresa's pregnancy...I realized just how much the 3 of them mean to me. Regardless of who is the father, "I called 911 they are on the way!" Phoebe said helping me lay Theresa on the couch. "It's okay darling, I am here...I will never leave your side." Theresa stared up at me, her eyes were filled with pain and tears. "Freddie...I am scared, what if I loose the babies?" she choked out. "No! that is not going to happen" I took her hand and rubbed her head, I leaned in to kiss her. When I looked back at her, her eyes began to roll back and she lost consciousness. "Theresa! Theresa!" I said tapping her face, "Oh God...Phoebe I can't lose them!" He ran over to open the door, the paramedics rushed in. "Move over sir!" they said pushing me to the side.

Another Paramedic walked over to me to ask questions. They were much more professional then the ones from New York. "How far along is she Mr. Mercury?" I watched as they hooked up wires to Theresa and her belly. "Sir? I need you to tell me how far along she is..." I snapped out of my trance, "What? um 28 weeks I believe" I told the paramedic. "Sir we have a heartbeat on the fetal monitor!" called out the other paramedic, "Great! how is mom doing?" he asked, "Good but her blood pressure is high." They walked in with a stretcher "Okay lets get her to the hospital". Suddenly I found my voice again "Wait how many heart beats did you say?" I asked, "Um just one sir why?" I felt my knees become weak "She is carrying twins..." I said holding back tears. The 4 medics looked at one another "Oh...we are so sorry sir but we only picked up one heartbeat on the monitor" I sat down burying my face into my hands. I failed to keep my promise to Theresa.

Phoebe and I arrived at the hospital. I asked the receptionist at the front desk for Theresa's info. "Room 26, they just got her stable you can go in and speak with the doctor if you like." I walked down the hall heading for her room. I had on my aviators, and not even to cover my identity but to hide my swollen eyes. I walked in the room and saw Theresa lying in the bed, only sound there was in the room was the sound of the machines. I was just about to grab her hand when I heard a voice, "Hello um Mr. Mercury I presume?" I jumped, "Oh good Lord you startled me" I said facing him. "Sorry sir not my intention." I waved my hand, "Oh forget it just tell me how my fiance' is doing!" The doctor looked over her chart, "Well...it looks like both mom and baby are out of the woods, the bleeding was due to mom's high blood pressure. Things like this cannot happen during pregnancy, she needs to be on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy" I took my glasses off, "Um...not to make things awkward but we were intimate the night before she said it was safe is this why this happened?" I asked clearing my throat, "Oh heaven's no sir intercourse is safe during pregnancy...your fiance's blood pressure was to high" he said shaking his head, "Has your wife had proper prenatal care?" he asked looking me sternly in the eyes "Um yes she has a private doctor". "Okay and did this doctor tell her about her blood pressure?" I looked down at the floor "Um I am not sure...she never mentioned it to me." The doctor wrote on the clipboard, "Oh hey doctor um...the medics said they could not detect both heart beats but only one...so does that mean one of the babies is gone?" I asked hoping he would tell me they were fine. He had a confused shocked look on his face "Twins?" he started rummaging through the papers on his clipboard "Mr. Mercury who said your wife was carrying twins?" I began to feel confused myself "Um Dr. Evans confirmed to us Theresa was carrying twins...one being mine and the other fathered by someone else..." I admitted with shame. "Wow...um Mr. Mercury I don't know how to explain this..." he began,"Please call me Freddie" I interrupted. "Right um...Freddie, we performed an ultrasound on Theresa when she arrived, there is only one fetus...it's been that way from the start, there is no detection of a multiple pregnancy...which explains why the paramedics detected one heart beat...and with all due respect sure but the proof is in the size of her belly...she would be carrying rather small if she was carrying twins." I felt my fist clench, I had so many questions and not enough answers. The doctor must have read my face, because he put a nervous hand on my shoulder "Freddie...I think you need to speak with this Dr. Evans fellow, in my professional opinion this person has not given you the right information let alone the proper care regarding your fiance's pregnancy." I nodded my head, "Can you tell if the child is mine?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "Yes we can perform a paternity test". "Right...okay please let me know the results as soon as they come in dear" I said patting the mans shoulder. "Okay...in the mean time Theresa needs rest so I wouldn't wake her..." I nodded and shut the door behind him. My mind was racing, almost 2 years ago I was shit faced almost every night at a gay club, with my cock inside a handsome fellows mouth. Now here I am beside the bed of the love of my life who happens to be a woman and who may or may not be carrying my child. "Good Lord..." I whispered to myself running my hands through my hair. "...Dr. fucking evans...." I mumbled, now I had suspicions of this chum, who was he anyways? and why would he tell us Theresa was carrying twins if she never was? What could he possibly get out of it? Just as I was lost in my thoughts I heard a soft voice. "Fr...Freddie..." Theresa whispered out, "Yes my love I am here..." I took her hand and squeezed it tight. "The...the babies...." she said barely conscious. I could not help but lie, she was so fragile and weak I could not bring myself to tell her the truth. "They are fine darling, you need rest." I said rubbing her head, "...sing to us..." she asked

I was born to love you with every single beat of my heart, yes I was born to take care of you every single day of my life...I wanna love you I love every little thing about you...🖤

As I sung softly to her she drifted back off to sleep. I kissed her softly on her forehead, my head was spinning with questions. I must have Phoebe do a little bit of research on this "Dr. Evans" I shall find my answers one way or another. I left Theresa's room to go have a cigarette. "Hey Fred...they have the results..." said Phoebe peeking his head out the door to the rooftop I was on. "...coming..." I said flicking my cigarette. I approached the doctor, waiting for more bad news. "Congratulations Mr...oops um Freddie...Theresa's child is yours...would you like to know the gender?" I lit up with joy, my sweet little family was safe and still mine. "yes..." I whipsered out still so happy "It's a girl" I clapped my hands together "Oh wonderful! a beautiful little girl...hopefully she takes after her gorgeous mother!" I shook the doctors hand "Thank you very much!" I said to him "With pleasure...by the way now that everything seems to be okay...Bohemian Rhapsody...masterpiece!" I gave a smirk to him and bowed "Thank you good sir" I said. Okay fine I gave him an autograph too, it was the least I could do for him. "...wow a little girl..." I mumbled to myself. I felt happy again, I was thrilled actually. Deep in my mind I still had questions to be answered. I'd have Phoebe on it first thing in the morning...for now I sat next to my beautiful Theresa and sang to both her and our precious soon to be daughter.

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