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It was the cute exceed of Sabertooth guild who Mika bumped.

"It's okay, froggy" Mika grinned.

"Fro is an exceed not froggy."

Fro smiled at her.

"Ex-c-ee-d???? What's that?"

The little girl wondered. Frosch was not able to explain that to her.

Soon both of their attention was distracted by a butterfly,

"Hey froggy, look it's butterfly. Come let's go catch it."

"Fro thinks so too."

Both ran in the direction of butterfly holding each other's hands.

Once they lost sight of the butterfly, they stopped at a nearby cotton candy shop.

"I'm hungry."

Mika rubbed her belly so did the cute exceed.

"Fro thinks so too."

Both of them laughed at each other when their stomach grumbled at the same time.

"What's your name?"

Frosch asked her after finding themselves a place to sit down.

"Mika.. Your name,froggy?"

She asked as she pulled the exceed much closer towards her.

"Frosch from Sabertooth. I came with my friends and Rogue but got lost. I'm trying to find them but I couldn't find till now." Frosch began to tears up.

Mika felt bad as she was also in the same situation. She wiped the exceed's tears and smiled,

"Don't worry, I will help you find your friends. Come let's go and ask people for directions."

They got down and went to ask the nearby shopkeeper for the direction towards the Sabertooth guild.

Both of them were holding hands together so that they don't get separated from one another.


Meanwhile, Rogue, Sting, Yukino and Lector were searching for Frosch as usual when they loss sight of him in the busy place.

"Oh Frosch, where did you go?"

Rogue was comically letting out tears.

"Will you shut up? And stop crying like a baby. Don't forget you are dating our m'lady so stop being a baby." Sting growled at him.

"Frosch-sama" Yukino called out.

"Frosch" Lector also called out in the hope of finding his fellow exceed. But no luck.

Sting inquired in the cotton candy shopkeeper, "Oh that little frog, you mean?"

"He is an exceed not a frog."

Rogue hissed while Yukino patted his shoulder to calm him down.

"Yeah, yeah whatever… I saw him and a little girl going towards this direction. Just go straight."

The shopkeeper pointed out towards the direction where the little fellows went.

"Thank you sir. Come let's go."

Sting and co ran towards the said direction.

At the Fullbuster household, Juvia woke up from her sleep to find an empty bed.

 GRUVIA ONESHOTSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz