Don't Let Go

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Ansel is having a rough patch in his career right now. It's not that he can't land the parts but the projects he's been apart of is not a success. All of the projects don't stick which means there is no funding for a project or the director doesn't want to do it anymore. When that happens that means Ansel has no job. Acting is everything to him and I just hate to see him frustrated and being let down from left and right. You would think that with his successful connections and everything will put him through but even the most successful directors and producers have a hard time completing and following through a project. acting is a really hard business.

I came home to a messy house and a huge pile of dirty clothes that needs to be washed. I had a long day at work but life isn't all about work right. As angry as I am with the house looking like this I remember the condition Ansel is in & I just mentally prepare myself to clean. I call out for him but he was nowhere to be found. I figure he must be at a casting or something.

I changed into something comfy so i can move freely as I clean up. I started the laundry first and then did the family room, kitchen and our bedroom. It took sometime to do everything but I started noticing it was getting later and later into the night and Ansel has yet to come home. He hasn't text me or called hell he didn't tell me where he was going. I'm just assuming he's been at a casting but castings take no more that 10 minutes if Ansel knows the director it could take up to an hour max.

It's 2 am now and finally I hear a car parked outside our house. I get up to meet him at the door.

"Hey..I've been worried sick about you...where have you been?" I asked. He just waltz passed me not saying on word and going straight into the cleaned kitchen to get something to drink

"I've been out" Ansel said coldly

"Yeah I know that but I'm just saying."

"Saying not your son i don't have to let you know about where I was or what I'm doing" Ansel said harshly

"I'm just saying you should have at least texted or called or something to let me know you were ok. I just want you to be ok that's all" I said

"I'm fine" Ansel said sarcastically

I just sighed and looked away frustrated with his arrogance

"Why are you still here? hmm I don't need to come home to this nagging & complaining everyday almost. Enough is enough. Nobody is holding you back you can leave" Ansel said coldly

"I'm not leaving" I said calmly

"I'm not in movies right now, I'm not relevant. I'm sorry I can't focus on you anymore. I'm all about my career right now & I don't have time or the energy to do this with you anymore. If your not happy then the door is right there" Ansel said & I just took it

Ansel walked away to the bedroom we share. I decided to sleep in the guest room tonight. It wasn't even an hour later that he came into my room. He thinks I'm sleep & I pretend to be. He gets in my bed to sneak his hands around my waist.

"I love you so much. & I'm sorry for everything. Please don't give up on going to change." Ansel whispered in my ear. I just kept pretending I was sleep. I sure hope that he does because in rooting for him. I hate the way he's been treating me but I get what he's going through. I choose to not give up so easily on him. I choose to love him through it. I know I will have my babe back really soon. Times are rough right now but things like this won't last forever. I have faith he will come out of this. People may think I'm crazy but I just like to call this unconditional love & that love doesn't let go.

Ansel Elgort ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now