That Time Of Month

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Ansel has been getting on my nervous all morning. I am so sore & so weak to cuss him out. Why? Because he's doing it on purpose. He knows it's that time of month for me & he does it so he can laugh. I don't know why he finds it amusing to make me mad while I'm bleeding to death & he wants to get on my nerves.

"Babe....babe....babe...hey babe...hey babe....babe" Ansel calling me annoyingly

"What" I said lowly & sharply side eyeing him

"I'm hungry" Ansel said

"I'm hungry too what are you going to do to fix that" I said

"Your hungry too?" Ansel asked

"When am I not hungry?" I said simply

"You want Nandos?" Ansel asked

"Yeah..& get me some snacks while your at it" I said

"I'll get it for you only if you ask me nicely" Ansel said trying to make me mad

"Go get me some food now" I said not giving in

"Your almost there your just missing the please & thank you" Ansel said giggling

"Babe I'm going to hit you in the groin if you don't get up now & bring me back some food & snacks." I said & he's laughing.

"I love when your like's the best." Ansel said laughing

"Why are your living goals to make me like this?" I said getting mad

"Because it's another feisty side to you...your not soft your really....harsh i don't know why but it's a turn on. " Ansel says weirdly

"Get out my face & get my food" I said dismissing him because he makes no sense.

It was a half hour later & Ansel is just now getting back.

"What took you so long?" I ask simply

"I got stopped by some fans" Ansel said

"Oh" I said simply

I get my food & then I noticed a bag from express, Victoria secret & against all odds boutique & a Walgreens bag.

"What's that for?" I asked him

"Open it to find out" Ansel said cheekily

I looked through the bags to find some hoodies & and yoga pants & more tampons and stuff . I just went back over to kiss. Him he was eating & he hates that but I don't care.

"Thank you baby" I said

"Ok now leave me alone I'm eating I want to eat in peace" Ansel said being different as usual. He's another person when he's eating. he doesn't like to be bothered but I'm doing it anyway.

"Babe come on go away" Ansel said complaining

"No I love you so much...gahhh" I said laughing & making him laugh when I said gahh. He then let me sit on his lap while we both ate.

After we are he carried me over to the sitting area bridal style to watch the football game. We cuddled while watching the game. By half time I was knocked out sleep.

Ansel Elgort ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now