You Don't Call Him

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Ansel's Pov

It's been a few hours I haven't talked to Y/n. We met not to long ago & I like her. She's funny, beautiful & she's smart. I've always kept constant contact because obviously I like her enough to stay in touch with her everyday. But today I feel so off because I haven't talked to her all day. I decided to wait until she call me but she hasn't and now I'm wondering if she likes me or not now. The first thing I noticed about Y/n she obviously didn't care if I'm famous or not. One day I just found myself next to her at a dinner party for my friend & we all got

To talking. I mentioned who I was & she said andddd & I just kinda fell for her. I want to hear her voice & I want to know if she's ok & how her day was & find out why she hasn't spoken to me all day. So I called her & after 4 rings she answers.

"Hey ansel" she said

"Hey y/n how's it going?" I asked

"Not much just getting home. I had to work late today & finally I'm home" she said

"Oh ok how was work?" I asked

"Very busy today...i had to make a lot of phone calls was a lot of stressful calls too but thank god it's over with...tell me about your day I haven't even talked to you at all today" she said sounding like she had along day.

"It's been busy...I did some auditioning today & so hopefully I'll be staring in another movie soon" I said

"Thats exciting... can you tell me the name of the movie or is it highly classified?" she asked

"It's not classified or anything the name of it is called awakening..the character I'm trying out for is really edge & bad so I hope it works out because I like the part " I said

"Your amazing at what you do & I know you will get it" She said encouraging

"Why thank you beautiful "I said forcing her to blush through the phone

"Your most welcome" she said & I can hear her smile through the phone

"Are you relaxing?" I asked

"Yes I'm relaxing" she said

"I wish I was with you right now ." I said making her smile

"Oh do you now" she said shyly

"Yeah...i have to admit my day was pretty thrown off when I didn't talk to you early this morning" I said being honest

"I felt the same....its just......i don't want to be a distraction to you or become annoying in anyway ......" She said being brave about how she feels & telling me

"It's distracting when you don't...ill notice...i notice the little things" I said

"I'm sorry...." she said shyly feeling embarrassed

"Don't change ok....don't think you are a distract...your not. I want to talk to you.......i like you" I said letting her know

"That makes me feel a lot better & I like you." She said feeling comfortable saying it

"Good....i just want you to talk to me & just let me know what you feel & I want to always know how your doing...i think we are mature young adults & we can clearly express not about mind games I'll tell you right now I'm no mind reader" I said because I'm really not into those games.

"Me either. I'm not playing games with you...that's not what I'm about. I'm just want to get to know you well because I truly like you for you & I know because you make me smile & laugh & that's important to me......I just don't want end up where I seem to always end up & that is liking someone & letting them in & only to let me down or label me & what I do as a distraction as if i want the person to myself or something or like keeping them from their full potential. I hate when someone labels me as that but somehow they do & I just gracefully bow out & do nothing about it...thats just me" y/n said & it's obvious she's through something

"Don't compare me to anyone from your past. I'm not that don't have to be in fear of that anymore. I'm Ansel & we are going to have our own experiences & I look forward to that..& I hope you do too. & I hope you can keep the past in the past & keep your eyes & your mind open to me & experiences we will have together. Your someone I'd like to keep in my life to help me grow. I want to grow with you & hopefully one day we can grow into something that's more than friends. I want that..i just hope we can come to the same point where we want the same things" I said being firm. I can tell she's not fully ready. before I fall for anyone I have to be sure they are first fit for me & then fit for my lifestyle. It's not easy & I don't want to go into a bad situation.

"Maybe soon we will...there's no rush is there?" She asked curiously

"No rush at all..lets just enjoy the ride & stop to smell the roses soon" I said

"Just as long as you make sure to pick one & hand it to me" she followed back

"Oh absolutely" I said making her giggle at how I said it.

"Good" she said softly & then we were quiet for a moment.

"Well I know you had a long day...I think it's time for you to get some beauty sleep beautiful" I said

"You might be right....but I want to talk to you some more..I'm not sleepy yet" she said being cute

"Oh yeah?" I said

So I honored her wish to keep talking. We talked a lot about our families & stuff we liked to do when we we're kids. I learned a lot about her & as for her she did the same. Y/n is funny & such a sweetheart & I like her. I just want to take it slow & see how things go before we take it to the next level. I'm really happy I talked to her because now my day & my night has been made better. It's crazy how she makes that happen but I like it.

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