{~} The Other Children {~}

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"Ice Make: Hammer!" 

"Beast Arm: Black Bull!" 

Otoko's arm bulged with muscles and black fur  and Storm created a hammer made of ice out of thin air, sending it flying twords Luke. People like Macao, a dark blue haired man and his friend Wakaba, a brunette who is always smoking a cigar, were watching closely to the battle. As the attacks came closing on look he shouted.

"Celestial Dragon Slayer Leo: Sheild!" 

A sheild of Regulus light blocked Storms hammer and Otoko's punch, causing him to bounce back and hit a table head first knocking him out, but the boys paid no mind. 

"Celestial Dragon Slayer Cancer: Slice!" He shouted as Storm sent a bunch of ice shard at him, Luke than diced the sharp blades of ice into nothing but cubes. The raven haired male started to get frustrated and yelled. "Ice Make: Cannon!" 

The cannon ball of ice hit Luke before he could block it and sent him flying twords the bar and crashing on top of Mirajane. "You stupid Ice Freak!" He shouted and stood up not even bothering to apologize to the white haired bar tender who was in a daze. "Come at me  Star Boy, love to see what you can do!" 

The boys were about to go at it once again when slim but muscular hands grabbed them by the ears. The boys looked up to see the scary face of Erza Scarlet but instead of a scowl they were expecting, they found her smiling. 

"You two have to stop fighting." Her smile didn't fade as she said those words. "Man she has a creepy smile." Luke whispered to Storm who just nodded in agreement. For a second there tension melted away but that soon ended when the two boys glared at each other. Erza dropped the boys and made her way back to the table where her, Gray, and Juvia were planning there next job. 

Nashi rolled her eyes and turned back to the conversation with Gale and Sylvia, they were currently talking about the long trip here. "Honestly, Sylvia felt like that train ride would never end." Sylvia complained and Gale nodded agreement. "Yeah, I guess the ride was  quite long." The pinkette said as she scratched the back of her head, a thing she often did when she thought. 

"Well anyway Nash-chan." Gale said suddenly. "You don't mind if I call you Nash-chan, do you?" Nashi just smiled. "Sure, but only if I can call you Gale-chan." The two nodded and Sylvia whined coming in between the two. "Sylvia wants a nickname too." The girls giggled.

"I was thinking Nash-chan since your going to be here for a while you might as well know everybody." She pointed to Storm and Luke who were trying to get away from Erza's grip. "As you know the idiot with the black hair is Storm." Gale said. Her hand than pointed at the brunette in a dark green vest over a white shirt and black pants who was slumped against the bar unconscious, but the boys did not seem to notice. "And there's Otoko." 

Nashi laughed slightly as he was saying how 'manly' he was and now he was unconscious not even seeing how the battle ended. Sylvia than turned Nashi's attention to a table in the corner of the guild that held kids about Igneel's age. A boy with black hair and many piercings was glaring at Igneel who was paying no mind to him, only to the blonde girl he was making conversion with. "That's Gabriel, he's my big brother." Gale said and Nashi nodded. "Yes, and Sylvia recalls Lirah to hang out with them but she is busy talking with your brother."

A girl with short white hair and in a baby pink dress was snooping around with a small black haired girl and a blonde. The black haired child reached for a brown bottle but the brown haired women known as Cana quickly snatched it away.  "But mommy!" She shouted. "No way kid, your to young to drink." And with that Cana chugged down her booze and walked away.

"That's Sake Groh, she has a bad habit of trying to drink liquor, she hangs out with Otoko's cousin Misha Strauss and Lirah's sister Nova." It certainly was a lot but Nashi caught on as she luckily got her mothers memory. 

A giggle was heard and Nashi saw her pink haired sister on a blue mat with a couple other baby's, one with blue hair another with bright red and the last had red-violet. "The blue haired one is Sylvia's little brother Rin. And than there's Auntie Erza's baby's Rosemary and Reiki." I noticed purple haired boy who I assumed was 'Reiki' was giving a block to Luna who giggled. 

"It's cool how you know everyone like the back of your hand." Nashi said. Gale and Sylvia just looked at her in confusion. "Of course as Storm said, we're family!" 

The pink haired dragon slayer just put on a fake smile. "Yeah..."The girl couldn't say the same for herself. Her father was almost a stranger to her, no matter how many storys Lucy told them, Nashi felt like she would never have the chance to know for herself. 

"Just like a family should be anyway." She mumbled to herself.


So I think it might be confusing to keep track of the characters so I'll put a chart down below to show you. Keep in mind its in age order of the kids from oldest to youngest!

Erza and Jellal:



(No there not twins, it's just I feel Erza wouldn't want kids until she felt she was 'ready' and since Jellal is a criminal I think they would be the last ones to have kids.)

Laxus and Mirajane:



Cana and Bacchus:


Elfman and Evergreen: 


Gray and Juvia:




Gajeel and Levy:



Lisanna and Bickslow:


These are all I've introduced so far! Hope this helped 👍. Cya next time. Bai. (Sorry it's kinda short 😢)


Wen. Jun 19. 19 

1020 Words

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