{~} Magical Theory And History {~}

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The three Dragneels walk down the dirt road, heading for school. The eldest of the children wore a red shirt with a brown vest and some baggy black pants, he also had a white scale print scarf that he always wore, his father gave to him for his seventh birthday. His little brother, who was far to the right of him wore a dark blue shirt with a silver Saturn on it and jeans. Held had his hands folded behind his head as he walked, looking up at the sky. A pink haired girl walked between her two brothers, she had dark blue shorts with long white socks and a short sleeve pink shirt, each had there bookbags on there back.

The three were on there way to Shizuka Prep, the only school in Shizuka Village. The dirt road dragged on until the kids reached a six storey stone building. The path faded and the children walked on the clearing passing the sign that said "Shizuka Prep" with a painted picture of the school mascot, Cader the caterpillar.

The children go through the big dark green doors and go there separate ways. Igneel had to head to the fourth floor for his English Class while the twins had were going to stay on the first floor for History. "I'll see you after school, meet me at the back entrance" he said, moving his orange bookbag so it was hanging over his left shoulder. Nashi nods and pulls her twin brothers arm down the hall to room 107, History. 

The door was royal purple decorated with pictures of the evaluation of humanity. As the two walk in the were met with three rows of tan desks and a matching pair of chairs, the children who had already arrived were sitting neatly at there desks organizing there materials. It had appeared Mrs. Sanders, the teacher of this class, had not shown up yet, so the twins quietly took there places at there seats. Nashi was in the middle of the first row and sat in between a mint haired girl who was a big snob named Mixie and a chuby maroon haired boy who had a habit  of eating to loud named Chester. Luke sadly made his way to the back of the class, seated third to the edge, in between a brunette with dark eyes, greedy Giovanni, who always tried to steal Luke's pencils and the oily haired clean freak, Reece.  

Shizuka Village lives up to it's name as it was always a very quiet place. Not much happened and to the kids it was very bland. Everything about it was bland, from the people who lived there to the boring solid stone buildings and wooden houses. It didn't feel right to them. They were even more of outsiders because of there parents. Natsu and Lucy just arrived at the village one day and didn't say anything about there past. Shizuka was such a secluded area that the people in it knew nothing about Natsu, Lucy, or even Fairy Tail for the matter. The children, not wanting to give the others something to tease them about or look at them weirdly, decided to keep there magic a secret, just as there parents are. 

The purple door slammed open as a middle-aged woman with sharp looking eyes covered by cat eye spectacles and sandy blonde hair pulled into a tight bun walked in. "Good morning Mrs. Sanders" the class called. She nodded her head and sat at her metal desk, books stacked on every corner of the desk and on the edge was a metallic gold sign with big bold letters that said "Mrs. Sanders". "Today we will continue our unit on Magical Theory and History, as you know records of magic date back as far as..." Ms. Sanders voice died down in Nashi's head. Anything useful that she had to do with Magical History, she either learned from Igneel or during her training.

"...and so without further ado I give you the wizards of Fairy Tail."

Nashi's eyes widened as her head snapped to Mrs. Sanders. The classroom filled with the apluads, to the right of her she could hear the slap on Chester's chubby hands coming together. Three kids about her and Luke's age came in, a boy and two girls.

"Hello, my name is Storm, this is my sister Sylvia and our friend Gale."

Hey guys!

Here's another chapter, sorry it's shorter than usual but I did wright yesterday so hopefully that makes up for it. Next chapter is going to be posted Wednesday! Hope you enjoyed.😃

775 Words

Mon. May 20. 19


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