{~} Finding Guildmates {~}

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Lucy cried as she held her child close to her. "I'm so glad your okay." The blonde muttered and patted her daughter's head.

When she entered the room she thought she saw a person next to her child but when her eyes focused to the dim lighting whatever was there was gone.

"What on Earth happened." The blonde said to herself as she looked around the disaster area. She noticed the shaking Kanashi but had the strong urge not to help her, so instead she grabbed a rope hanging on one of the walls and tied her up.

A buzzing noise took her attention away from the black haired woman and Lucy nearly fainted. "No.."



"Give me your right hand."

"Sure I'm sad! I don't care what world you come from... I don't care what anybody says, you're Lucy! You're Lucy! You're my friend! Any friend would be sad!"

"I wanted to go on more adventures together.."


The blonde had to cover her mouth with her free hand to stop her sobbing as to not wake Luna up. She quickly left the room. 'I have to find Natsu.'

The blonde didn't know where she was going but she ran, jogging down the halls in hopes to find someone, anyone.


"You guys came." Lirah cried as Gabriel chomped her chains straight off. Just a few moments ago Tanaka had tried to get answers from the blonde, thankfully Gabriel and the two Fullbusters were nearby and defeated him.

"Of course we came Zappy." Gabriel scoffed and continued to much on the chains. "Now let's go." The black haired boy muttered and started to walk off but Slyvia cleared her throat to get his attention. "Lirah can't walk."

Gabriel let out a small 'o' and muttered out a 'sorry' but Lirah only gave him a light zap. The iron dragon slayer scoffed and helped Lirah onto his back to give her a piggy back ride.

"D-don't you tell anyone about this!" Lirah said, her face a red as a tomato. "Tch, ya scared your little boyfriend will hear?" To this Lirah hit him on the head. "Your just mad no one likes you." Lirah sneered and turned her head.

"Say what you want Zappy, I'm gorgeous." Gabriel said proudly while snapping his fingers.

"It's okay Gabriel." Sylvia said with a sniffle. "Sylvia to know what it feels like to be unloved, WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME HENRY-KUN!" She shouted and sobbed.

"I ain't unloved Snowflake didn't you hear what I said!"

"Yeah sure, and I'm not a living Pikachu."


Storm looked down, tuning out the bickering. The raven haired male was very worried about Nashi, she said she would catch up but none of them had heard from her.

Suddenly Lirah gasped sharply. "A spy!" All the children began to panic and run the other way down the hall, but footsteps could also be heard in the other direction. "Wait there's a third hallway." Storm whispered but, yet again, more footsteps.

"We're trapped!" Lirah said in panic. "Be prepaid to fight." Storm said under his breath and the other's nodded, just as the spy was about to turn the corner Gabriel jumped out from his hiding place.

"Iron drago-"

"Shh, you'll wake the baby". Lucy shushed.

"Lucy?" Erza called, coming out of the second hallway.


"Nash-chan, Gale-chan!"

"Love Rival!"

"They forgot about us." Calypso muttered under his breath as he and Igneel walked out of the third hallway. Igneel's eyes widened as he saw his siblings and he quickly rushed to hug Luke. "Are you okay?"

The blonde was surprised his brother was actually acting normal towards him. "Of course I am, you freak!" Luke insulted and punched his brother's shoulder. Igneel rolled his eyes and pulled his little brother in for a hug.

"Daww, you guys never get along." Nashi gushed and though herself into the hug, to which Igneel slapped the back of her head.

Igneel then broke the hug and grabbed Lirah's waist from behind, kicking Gabriel in the back so he fell face first. "I'm sorry I ditched you." Igneel apologized guiltily. Similar to Luke, spies had appeared when the blonde was trying to free her leg and Lirah told him to run.

"Don't sweat it." Lirah said cheerfully.

"I'd hate to brake up the love fest." Calypso stated, emphasizing the word 'love', much like his dad would do for Natsu and Lucy. "But where are my brothers?"

"Yes, it seams Wendy is missing as well." The redhead stated and peered around the group. "Don't forget Natsu and Gray-sama." Juvia added, putting more attention to her husband's name. "It is settled, we have to find them, we never leave family behind." All of them nodded and the adults broke off to devise a plan.

"You alright?" Igneel asked, now giving Lirah a piggyback ride.

"yeah, but I feel like I'm forgetting someone.."


"I hate them." Misha scoffed and continued to flap her wings. She was currently flying all the way back to Fairy Tail in her bird form. "Making me fly like this, I swear I'll die of exertion."

"But, I have to get backup."


Okay, that was cringy too, can you guys give me some greeting ideas? I'm litterly struggling.

I forgot to mention it in the last chapter but I didn't specify if Aquarius' key is broken or not, I know this is kind of a AU but I did want to keep if close to the actual Anime so I didn't mention if her key was broken. Obviously it's most likely not because Lucy split from Fairy Tail after the GMG but you won't see Lucy using her in battle.

You guys completely forgot about Misha, honestly it's funny. I also want to mention that I know this chapter is very short and crappy and didn't make sense. I have been writing for almost 5 HOURS straight, but it's worth it if you guys are happy.

Most of this stuff I through in there so it wouldn't be so awkward in the next chapter. I'm sorry it's so bad but I honestly can't continue.

The schedule is shifting for every other day starting today. (Thursday- break, Friday- chapter, Saturday- break, ect.)

Now if you excuse me I have to eat a very late and overdue dinner.

Wed. Sep 25. 19

1064 Words


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