{~} Taking Lucy {~}

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Sylvia's eyes fluttered open and she took note of her surroundings. The last thing she remembered was a woman staring at her with lilac eyes, and then her mind became fuzzy until finally, she blacked out. The girl sat up and a throbbing sensation came to her head, her instant reaction was to touch the source of pain but she realized her arms were restrained.

Her vision finally cleared and she looked at her hands, the girl was in some kind of car and a seatbelt was wrapped securely around her body and lower arms, held together by a block of ice which covered the buckle. 

The girl then noticed her brother beside her, he had a purple bruise on his forehead and was out cold in the same constraints as herself. Gabriel sat across from the two, he and Lirah were practically falling out the car since the door the black-haired boy was leaning on seemed to be damaged, only Misha who was far to the right of the pair seemed to be awake.

The white-haired girl quietly sobbed and twisted her body but the constraints wouldn't budge. Happy and Calypso was asleep on her lap so she tried to not move too much or make so much noise that it wakes everyone up but Sylvia still heard her gasps for breath and hiccups through her tears.

"Misha?" Sylvia asked quietly and Misha's teary red eyes looked up at her teammate. "O-Oh sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." She mumbled and rubbed her face against her shirt in an attempt to wipe her tears free of hands.

"Sylvia is wonder what happened?" The cobalt haired girl asked. "N-Natsu attacked." She said with a hiccup at the end. "U-Uncle Laxus and Gajeel t-tied him up at the back of the car and restrained us since they knew we would try to help." 

Misha continued to struggle and now, Sylvia did as well. Like both of there parents, both girls were strong-willed and stubborn, they knew they weren't getting in the way of there guardians, but that simply there guardians were getting in there way. They were wrong, not them.

"I-I've been trying to get out for a good hour, but all my forms are larger then my human body if I try to transform I'll be strangled to death." Misha stated. This was one of the few times she was thankful for her father's 'babies', whenever her mother stressed about the dimensions of her animal forms and her father was around they would always repeat her words like a little tune, this helped make her memorize these important facts, even if they were annoying. 

"Don't worry, Sylvia can do this. Sylvia just needs focus." The girl said and closed her eyes. Her father wasn't very happy when Sylvia had told him that she would like to train with Eve to learn snow magic he was so unhappy that he almost froze the poor blonde on the spot. But, eventually, he warmed up to the idea, although he was still mad that the person who taught her magic was some Blue Pegasus creep. 

The girl shuffled her hands around a bit until she managed to grab the block of ice her father created around the buckle.

 "Frostbite." She said and an icy blue magic circle appeared around her hand.

 The frost crawled from her fingertips around the block creating a cold mist before eventually it was too much pressure for the block to handle and it snapped in half allowing her to press the button for her seatbelt to become loose.

"Sylvia's got it!" She breathed out in relief and rushed to untie Misha using the same technique. Even if they were unconscious, both girls untied the rest of the children so that if they woke up on time they could help. 

Sylvia smiled at there work and was about to open the car door but the older girl quickly grabbed her hand. "Wait, Uncle Warren is outside, hang on." She said and closed her eyes, concentrating. 

A picture of a pretty bikini model from one of the Master's magazines popped in her head and suddenly she became the tall ash brown-haired woman wearing a revealing purple bikini she had been picturing using her magic. 

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