{~} Saving Nashi {~}

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"What the hell was that?" Roku muttered, his fist inches away from Nashi's beat-up face.

 Ketsu looks at Nashi for a moment before telling Roku to pause on the heartless torture, the white-haired man then pulled out a lacrama that was hanging on Roku's belt and tapped it. 

"What the hell is happening?" He asked in a harsh voice. "S-sorry boss, our spies are still trying to figure out what damage has been done but a few of our men have spotted wizards in the building." A nervous voice came from the gem, each syllable making the yellow trinket light up. 

"Well, get rid of them!" Ketsu yelled and the voice on the other end sputtered. "General Meena and Captian Ashara have gone missing, our spies are confused without orders from them." Ketsu's eyes twitched slightly and mutter about 'I should have killed Meena long ago' or 'Those damn good for nothing spies, they can't do anything right' left his mouth.

"And not a single one of you know where she kept the weaponry? The communicators to the rest of the troops?" Murmurs came to the other line and finally, the man answered a 'no'. 

"Fine then, we'll have to win with the spies and weapons we have." The man began to have visible tick marks on his forehead, obviously stressed out by the situation. Nashi tried to think about what her mother would do, the blonde had a knack for getting out of sticky situations and the brown-eyed girl prayed that she had that same skill.

'Okay Nashi, you know they have a limited amount of weapons and soldiers. If the 'wizards' are able to beat the troops, then I'm home free.' A small smile grazed her lips but then another thought came to her. 'But even if these wizards can beat them, what about Enenra and Kanashi? Not to mention toyukartsu freak over here'. 

"Boss! We just got word in that a spy found a little blonde-haired girl, she's injured and alone, but she does have the Fairy Tail guild mark on her!" 

Nashi gasped loudly. The man on the other line of the lacrama switched to the other spy who now held Lirah in his grasp, the pinkette could hear the blonde's empty threats. "Let me go! I swear when I get out of these stupid chains I'll fry all of you to the point where people won't be able to tell the difference between you and fried chicken!" The girl's demonic voice echoed through the empty room and then was switched back to the man who was talking before.

"Figure out there battle plan." Was all Ketsu said before lifting his finger to turn the lacrama off "And if she doesn't comply?"

"Kill her, I'm sure there will be others we can catch and question."

"No!" The girl screamed, not wanting to see one of her friends hurt. "Sorry little E.N.D but I'm afraid I'll have to cut our training session short, but I'll leave Roku to train you more." Ketsu gave Nashi one last smirk before walking out the door. 


"Over here." Gabriel muttered, trying to sniff out the pinkette's strawberry sent through all the others. Sylvia and Storm obediently followed behind the larger male up a set of stairs.

"Toyukartsu, toyukartsu, toyukartsu." Ketsu chanted as he walked down the halls, the children quickly hid around the corner watching as his blood-red eyes gleamed. "I need to calm down before I kill someone."

Sylvia shivered,  a thing she rarely does,  when he walked by. "Sylvia's Sylvia senses are tingling, she knows that man is bad news." Storm too shivered, both children had the odd ability to tell when something was wrong, much like there mother. "I agree Sly, but we have to find Nashi first. 

Even if the boy was afraid of the girl at first, his senses calmed down when he thought about how she cried when she had to leave Fairy Tail. 'I should have never second-guessed her, she is part of the guild.' With that, the boy let go of any trace of fear left his body but soon transfered into fear for Nashi. 'I have to find her."

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