{~} The Third Explosion {~}

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Waves of power beamed out in every direction from Ketsu, so powerful that it caused Levy to fall to her knees, her tiny body not being able to handle the power radiating around her from both Ketsu and the Eclipse Gate.

Juvia instantly rushed to the blue haired girl and cradled her slightly, dropping droplets of cool water on her forehead to keep her conscious. 

Nashi panted heavily on the ground, heart pounding so loud that she was sure her ribcage would burst. Her brown eyes danced around the room, unable to focus on anything until they landed on a head full of blonde hair. "Luke?" She mumbled, taking in his wounds.


He's hurt!

The girl fliched slightly at her realization and used her strength to crawl her way to her brother, her wobbling legs too weak to support herself. As soon as she came crashing to the ground next to her brother her hands cupped his face shaking him violently.

"Wake up!" The dragon slayer shouted.

Her hands gripped his hair slightly, shaking him again. "Wake up, you idiot!" She shouted, her voice now cracking.

But her brother gave no response.

"Wendy.." She mumbled. "I have to find Wendy!"

But no matter how much she pushed herself, he arms dropped from holding her up. The girl tried not to cry, weakness was something she'd rather not show, but a sob left her mouth as she looked at her blood faced brother, too tired to shift her gaze.

"Wake up.."

Natsu throwed punch after punch, but all missed the white haired man. While the Enhancing Cubes gave Natsu a speed boost, Ketsu's speed was doubled, so he was able to dodge every attack, no matter what it was.

"Come on Dragneel, I am quiet disappointed, I expected much more from you." He scoffed and knocked the wind out of Natsu by hitting him in the stomache, that same burning feeing coming to his lower abdamin, implying that his attacker was using a little of his magic with each attack.

Natsu regained his balance and tried to straighten himself out, but that burning sensation in his stomach hit again as he turned, as if there really was a large burn on his tan skin.

"Face it Dragneel, you can't beat me without your full powers, come on, use it!"

"You're full of crap! I have no hidden power!" Natsu shouted and blew fire from his mouth at the man, burning some of his white locks and turning them into a cinder black color, tips still lit with Natsu's embers.

"You'll pay for that!" Ketsu yelled, running at him with full force. "You may have ruined my plan in this time, but once I beat you, I'll use the gate to go back and fix my mistakes of ever letting your children live, I only need three of 'em, when the baby dies that celestial spirit would have never came and ruined everything." He yelled.

Aquarius growed at his comment, but her magic was almost running out, Luna's power drained long ago when the baby fainted from exhaustion, so she was running on her own raw power. Which wouldn't last long.

The mermaid shot geyser of water from her palms, shooting herself forward so she landed just inches from Luke and his sister. Nashi continued to sob, tears of frustration and sadness, regret and guilt. But most of all, anger.

Aquarius felt a great deal of energy radiate off of her, but her body was to weak too handle it. The spirit staired at the girl for a moment, before placing her hand on her shoulder blade, transfrering a small amount of magic power to the girl, but it was all she needed.

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