{~} Lucky {~}

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Enenra's eye widened but before he had the chance to turn around he was met with a flaming punch. 

Igneel cried a shout of joy and Natsu rushed to snap the chains in half off his boy. Even if the cuffs were still around his wrists, a stream of celestial and flame flew from his palms, flying in every direction possible. Even if he wanted to, he could not control his magic at that moment, the unbelievable amounts of magic energy stored in his palms that were held back because of the chains were finally let loose, and they wouldn't stop until all the pressure was relieved. 

As Natsu broke the chains on his youngest son, the magic energy soon too was let loose, and large amounts of pink wool flowed out his hands. "Really wool?" Igneel scoffed and Luke smirked. 

Luke changed the direction of his wool bomb, the pink wool now colliding with Igneel's magic, causing a burst of flaming chunks of wool, some lit with regular flame and others lit with celestial.

"You were saying?" He said with a smug look.

Natsu chuckled and looked at his daughters. Luna was whimpering slightly, looking blankly in no particular direction, and forcing her eyelids to stay open. The baby had taken multiple head injuries during this whole adventure, first the wound from Tanaka, the rush from Aquarius' waves against her little skull, and finally being tossed around by Enenra. 

Nashi, on the other hand, was bursting with energy at the sight of her father, just moments ago she was broken, but now she had felt as if everything had been solved, and to her it was. "Dad!" She yelled. 

He did his best to force out a smile. Nashi may not have realized it but her father had been observing for a bit. But when he realized what they were doing to his wife, he lost it and decided to put an end to there torture. Thankfully, Happy was able to talk enough sense into him to stay quiet and sneak up on their enemies by breaking into a nearby window and coming up from behind. 

After freeing both, he turned to Lucy who was still sobbing. She was so into the vision that she had lost all senses with reality, she could not hear or feel what was going on around her, so Natsu's presence was ignored.

Even though Natsu had managed to break in and give Enenra a good punch, Kanashi and Ketsu continued as if he wasn't there. "Hey, don't ignore me!" Yelled the pinkette and ignited his fist to throw at Kanashi it was blocked by the same green-haired man he had knocked down a few moments ago.

"Ota!" Enenra yelled and the brainwashing spy nodded. "We don't have time to force her to cooperate, open the gate now!"

Natsu was slightly confused by Enenra's orders, but when he saw the spy make her way to Lucy he knew it meant bad news.

"Get away from her!" Natsu yelled and tried to attack but Enenra blocked him, producing gas that flowed down from his palms and to the floor. "Natzu!" Happy yelled and picked up the dragon slayer before the gas had a chance to touch him. Thankfully, the ceiling was high, so he was able to lift him far from the ground.

"Damn it!" Yelled the poisonous man. "Just make your gas float up to him." Scoffed his black-haired partner, she was no longer causing pain to the blonde and took her place beside him. "This is my third fight within the day Kanashi! I would just be wasting what little magic power I have left, dense gases are all I can do for now."

The black-haired mage shook her head. "And I can't use my magic unless I make eye contact with him, he's too high up." She muttered.

Happy used his speed to make all kinds of lines to confuse the two, dodging any weapon they threw at him, but he won't be able to reach Lucy without risking getting hit.

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