{~} Ancient Text Of Food {~}

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Luke scoffed. 

"That's what you get Otoko, my sister might look all sweet but she's a demon inside." The brunette groaned. After watching Nashi storm out Wendy had rushed to heal Otoko who whined like a baby the whole time, they were now sitting at a table teasing him about how he got beaten so easily. 

"What happened to you being a man?" 

Otoko threw a stream of insults but they were muffled by the linen rapped around his mouth.

Time passed and the pink haired girl calmly made her way back inside the guild hall. "Where have you been? Igneel went looking for you like a madman a while ago." Nashi just shrugged as she was still angry from the heated argument that happened with her and Blue, she took a seat next to the cowering Otoko and she growled at him. 

"Woah, calm down there moody." Storm said. The girl rolled her eyes again. "I just went for a walk to cool off." Her eyes flared with anger as she spotted the blue exeed across the room chatting with Calypso. 

Storm saw her distress and grabbed her hand, pulling her away from there seat and out the guild doors. "Hey where do you think your going?" Luke shouted at them.

"I'm just going to take her to the training ground, let her burn some stuff to cool her off." Nashi's cheeks were on fire but she nodded and followed Storm. The girl's twin stared in disbelieve, he had never had Nashi do something like this, they were a team no matter how many times they fought but now she had just ditched him for some jerk who they didn't know that long.

Anger bubbled in him and he hard a little whine at his feet. The blonde looked down to see his baby sister staring at him with concern. Luke squatted down to her level and poked her cheek. "You wouldn't leave me for some idiot emo guy, would you Luna?" 

The baby suddenly turned around and crawled to the plum haired Reiki. "Ugh!"  He ruffled his hair in frustration.

Levy watched with a smile observing the boy. Lucy popped  in to her mind but it was unknown to the bluenette as to why, as if a barrier was stopping her from using the logic she needed to figure it out. The woman sighed and placed her head in her hands. 

"Everything okay mommy?" Her daughter asked looking up from her book. Levy shook her head. "It's nothing Gale just thinking about the past." Levy would always say this when she would think about Lucy, Gale never knew who the celestial mage was but she figured she was close to her mother.

"Why don't you talk to the boy over there." Levy suggested. Gale's face flushed as she remembered the almost kiss with the blonde, even though she never told her parents she heard Gabriel complaining about it to them. 

"Mom!" Gale whined as Levy let out a chuckle and shoved her in his direction. Gale slowly made her way to Luke and tapped the angry boys shoulder. He looked into her soft brown eyes and calmed down slightly.  

"I was just wondering if you could teach me how to read the Iwain text today." The navy haired girl said with a shy smile.

'I'm so screwed.'

Panic filled him as he tried to think of a lie to tell the girl. Luke had begged Igneel to teach him something about the ancient race but his older brother claimed he had better things to do. Now usually the boy was quick with his lies but all he could do was stutter to the girl.

"I-I, uh, it." He paused for a moment. "Yes?" The word came out as more than a question but Gale quickly grabbed his hand and dragged him to the guild library. 

"Cute." Levy said with a giggle as she watched the two leave. Gajeel came up from behind her and growled. "Your kidding me right? You seriously let her hang out with that brat?" She let out  short laugh with her husbands words. "There just kids Gajeel."

The iron dragon slayer became quiet for a moment. "What are you planning?" 

He just smirked. "Let's just say I'm glad we had a son, Shrimp."


Sweat started to leak from Luke's skin as he stared at the paper. Nothing made sense to him, they just looked like random drawings Luna did. "Uh." He points to a swirl on the paper. "That's clearly a cinnabun." Gale nodded and wrote that down. "I thought it was wind."

He gulped. "N-no.." He continued to look at the symbols and name random things until they finished the page. "Okay so we have cinnabun, pickle, chicken, and jalapeno." She listed and tried to figure out what this meant and what is had to do with Vulcans. 

Luke hated to admit it but he was hungry, food was the only thing that was on his mind. Gale sighed. She knew if her mother was here she would have found the answer in two seconds but she wanted to figure this out by herself for a change. "I'm sorry Luke, I guess I'm just not smart enough for this." 

The blonde felt a pang in his heart and quickly dismissed the thought from her head. "No, no!" He took a deep breath. "It's my fault, I wanted to impress you so I just made this up so you would think I'm smart." 

He knew he had just ruined his chances with ever talking with her again. Slowly he made his way out of his chair but she grabbed his arm and stopped him. Onyx eyes met brown and Gale smiled at him. "You didn't have to do that to impress me, I was already impressed with you." 

Luke looked at her in confusion. "The way your so impowering with Igneel and always want to protect Nashi, I could never do that with my family."

The boy had never really looked at himself like that, he was always jelouse of his brothers power and the way Nashi got things she wanted but the way Gale put it made hi heart feel warn. Pink dusted his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his head nerveously. "Uh, thanks."

Gale put the paper in a crease of a book and placed it away from the two. "What do you want to do?" 

He smiled a toothy grin and pulled out a large cook book from a nearby shelf titled. "1,001 Dishes To Die For." 


So heres the first chappy for today and I'll post the next in a hour so, alsoit feels so good to be back. Sorry if you feel this one was boring but it contributes to something later on in the book. Cya guys! 

Tue, Jul 30. 19

1147 Words






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