{~} Saving Luke {~}

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Gale shakily shook her head, the feeling of a bruises forming came to her but otherwise she was fine from the fall. The navy haired girl took note of her surroundings, she seemed to have landed in some dark room behind a crate.

When the girl had finally gotten a grip of herself she noticed how two figures stood in the middle of the large room. "Maybe if you would have dragged your brother down here you might have had a chance to beat me but your body is weak right now, you'll be an easy win." A voice that had sent shivers down the iron dragon slayer's body said.

The girl peeked over the wooden crate that was filled with dry plums to see a man with dark green hair towering over the other figure. When her hazel orbs adjusted to the lighting she had to hold in a gasp.


But the boy was barely recognizable from his injuries. Luke squinted his eyes slightly, giving Enenra his best glare but a stern voice interrupted the would-be-fight.

"He's not alone."

Gale turned her head to see the scowl of Erza helping a limping Juvia walk to where the two males were. "And who are you exactly?" The green haired man scoffed.

"Erza Scarlet of Fairy Tail." Erza said proudly and Enenera let out one of his famous hyena-like cackles. "Please excuse my rudeness, queen Tatiana, but you have no business with the boy so I suggest you beat it before someone gets hurt."

The red head shook her head and helped Juvia balance herself, for she had hurt her leg during the fall, before taking a step closer to him. "You took innocent children from there parents, I have no idea what you want from them but I will get them home, not only is it my 'business' to get the to safety but is my responsibility to help them because we are family!" Erza's body began to glow but her face remained stern.

Right before there eyes her bland chest plate became a metal plated armor that covered her chest and a long skirt with metal wings. "Requip, Heaven's Wheel Armor!" But just as she was going to launch an attack a purple-ish gas formed around her, making fall to the ground and hold her throat.

"This is something new I've been working on, I can only immite it from my body at a small radice but a few minutes exposed to it and you'll be dead." The green haired man smirked until an immense amount of water came shooting at him, knocking him back and allowing Erza to breath.

Enenra let out a couple coughs before standing up, now soaked. "Oh, now you're going to get it." The man yelled but Gale was quick to hop from her hiding spot and extend her metal arm so it hit the man in the back, knocking the air out of him.

"Gale? What are you doing here!" The red head yelled, catching her breath. "No time to explain, we have to finish the guy off and find the others." Both women nodded and Erza told the kids to stand back while they fight.

"That's it!" The poisonous man jumped and grabbed the blonde boy by his shirt, holding him by his neck. "Stand back or I'll kill him, I don't have time to mess with you wizards, I have a job to do!" The man yelled. Luke's eyes started to go red from the last of oxygen.

"You wouldn't!" Gale yelled but Enenra chuckled and let out another type of gas. Luke suddenly felt a burning sensation to his limbs, he soon realized his skin was tearing and dark burn marks showed up. The boy tried to fight back but his energy was depleting from the earlier torture and the pain that was coming to him now, he no longer had the ability to move.

"Get you hands off my brother!" Nashi yelled, running into the scene and punching the man with her fist lit. A red gleam was in her eyes but it soon went away when she saw Luke fall to the ground.

"Lukey?" Nashi called, shaking him slightly. His eyes cracked open slightly but he didn't move. "We need to get him medical attention." Gale muttered as she inspected his body. Erza growled under her breath as she summoned her swords around her.

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