{~} Battles {~}

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The short man beamed at the children with a smile. They had never known about the master, there parents had never mentioned it. Silence filled the hall, something that was very rare, in order to listen on the conversion. Igneel did not know how to respond, he wanted to give up on this 'mission' and never look back at this place. It was overwhelming with people that hurt his family and he had no idea how they would treat his siblings. 

"So, what brings you kids here?" Makarov had wide black eyes and a bald head with only the outer rims of his head containing white hair, he also has a thick white mustache that overhang his lip. A  white shirt with a red vest and black pants covered his body and a high collared caped flowed behind him.

"We-" Igneel started but Nashi struck a beam of fire at his foot causing him to grip it and hobble in pain. The twins high fived for her quick thinking and a voice Nashi never thought she would hear again called to her.


The raven haired male came from behind the pinkette and was smiling broadly. Storm didn't think he would run into her again and for some unknown reason it made him giddy and warm inside. 

"You know them." The master asked. "It's okay Gramps, there cool, I met them on my trip to Shizuka." Raising a large eyebrow he looked up at Nashi because of his height.  "You come from Shizuka Village? That's a very long trip."

"Yeah, come to think of it Nashi why are you here, what happened to your mother?" Storm asked, remembering the blonde woman who went to care for her brother, who's name he could not remember or cared to. "O-oh..u-uh..."

Her lying skills were showing.

"We're here on vacation and mom said we could explore Magnolia for ourselves." Her blonde twin replied and Igneel snapped his head twords him, pain now at the back of his mind. "And you know Nashi, could not resist from running of and exploring on her own." Luke added

Storm wasn't the most observant person so he just shrugged and grabbed Nashi's arm. "I'll introduce you to everyone." Nashi blushed and started to let him lead her but Luke quickly whispered something in her ear. "I don't know how you know him, but try and keep him distracted while I talk to Igneel." 

Her brown eyes met Luke's onyx ones and she nodded. The blonde boy made his way to his brother who was glaring at him with every step. By this point Makarov had went to grab a nice cup of booze for himself and the guild filled with noise again as the attention was turned to Nashi and Storm. 

"Why did you want us to leave?" Igneel's eyes furrowed and he looked down. "Dad is the strongest person I know." He said quietly to his brother. "And this place completely broke him, he can't even talk about it."

Igneel was never one to show weakness. He didn't like fighting without reason, unlike Luke, but if there was a reason, a very important reason, he would fight till his last spell if it came to it. "What...what if that happens to you, or Nashi, or Luna..." 

Luke placed a hand on Igneel's shoulder and looked up at him. "That's why we're here, we are going to find out why this all happened and fix it, mom always tells us how dad used to be childish and loyal." Almost every night Lucy told her kids storys about the guild and that included what Natsu was like, he was almost a stranger to the children since he was never around and it brought them joy of seeing the similarities they have with there father. "And I'm sure once we do this he'll act that same way to us, spend real time with us." 

The way Luke's eyes sparked with determination gave hope to his older brother. Igneel really did have a great family. "Alright, we'll not leave here untill we know what happened."

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