{~} Two ECs {~}

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The angry mermaid's eyes filled with tears but she remained strong, her gaze firm on Lucy. She was slightly scared, and very confused. Was it not Layla that she had not seen die nearly hours ago? Why was she there when she had no memory of that happening? Why did the person in front of her look so much like her key holder and yet have no power over her? 

The blue haired female also had a hard time figuring out who was the enemy, for all she knew, these people could be murderers, but it was only till the tiny baby in her arms reached out for her mother with a hopefull gaze that she knew who she was going to fight with.

Aquarius had finally gathered enough moisture from the air to balance herself on a gazer she created, and with the help of Juvia supplying her with a heathy source of water, the celestial spirit sent a sum of boiling moisture towards Ota. The water was so forceful that the spy was sent slamming into the back wall, water continuing to push full force into her face. 

Ketsu growled and turned his heels, taking off before letting Natsu have the chance to even take a breath. The white haired man dashed to Igneel, who only now saw his brother on the floor. 

"Luke!" He shouted and ran twoards him but was pulled back by Ketsu.

"Let me go!"

The man simply clucked his tounge in annoyance. Before Igneel had the chance to defend himself, Ketsu took him over with his magic. The boy let out a cry of pain, half of his body feeling as if he was falling and crashing down to the floor over and over again, and the other half feeling as if it was on fire, slowy and tortureously spreading.


Nashi dropped to the ground, eyes blank, stairing into the floor. Ketsu looked over to see his loyal follower on the ground as well, hand sticking out, but otherwise unmoving.

"You've done well Kanashi." Ketsu complimented with an evil smirk and picked up the girl, carelessly throwing her over his shoulder while she and her brother sobbed out from pain.

"I-, I just want w-what I was promised." She mumbled, looking hopfully at the gate. "Ah, yes. I belive I promised for you to see your sister?" He asked, showing an unreadable emotion. 

"No." Shakily said Enenra as he balanced his weight on one knee, glaring at his boss. "That's me."

"Hm." Ketsu smiled and gently petted Nashi's cheek, who shivered in distust at his touch. "Well, as for you Enenra, I'm sorry to inform you, but you will not be seeing the little flower." 

"What?" The green haired man growled out, a fire burning in his eyes. A steam-like gas rose behind him, showing just how much his emotions were taking over, granted he was slightly insane but he usually kept his emotions in check. "Your sister was simply taking up to much room in the dungeons, we had to slaughter off a few prisoners to make room for incoming ones, and she happened to be to be one of them."

Enenra was silent, looking at the ground with wide eyes. "Don't be sad, she lived thirteen long years in the dungeons, knowing nothing but safety." Ketsu then turned his attention to Kanashi, who was aslo silent. She was in slight shock from the news, and couldn't help but feel bad for the only person who kept her company all these horrid years. "And as for your family, I belive you asked to kill the people and any desendants who murdered your family?"

Kanashi shivered at the word 'murdered' but nodded. Her original wish was to use the Eclipse Gate to go back to a time when her family was alive, change the past, but she soon realized Ketsu was too selfish to let her use the gate, so she decided on the next best thing. Revenge.

"I simply can't grant it."

Her whole world seemed to spin. Years of work for her one wish, and yet, it seemed to be a waist. "W-what?" She choaked out.

"I can't grant you it, because I was the one who killed them."

Tears slipped from her violet eyes, staring in shock at the man before her. "That's impossible, they died as a tribute to Zeref." Ketsu let out a laugh before kicking at the woman, his hands being occupied by the children. "What? Did you think your leader suddenly had a overwhelming feeling to summon the dark lord? I was angry, so I used him as an excuse to kill. But then, I found you, you had great potential with your anger channeled to Zeref and anyone associated with him, so I decided to let that anger grow and never bothered to tell you the truth."

Kanashi did something she never did, she cried in front of another. Loud sobs raked her body, her head falling in between her knees in a weak attempt to hide her tears. She waisted her life devoted to this man who promised her the most valuable thing she could think of, and now, not only did she come to find out it was no longer in her grasp, but he was the reason for killing her parents, her sister.

The sick man smiled at the sight before him, Kanashi wailing on the ground, Enenra broken staring off into the distance, both broken hearted.

He smiled, taking one last long look, before dashing to the gate. His foot barely touched the step that would bring him to the portal, jumping to reach the portal with Igneel in a daze in one arm, and Nashi sobbing in the other.

Until a hand caught his cloak and jerked him bag, causing him to let out a strangled sound of the cloth strangling against his windpipe.

"Drop my kids."

His voice was raspy and tired, but stern. Slight pants escaped his mouth but he remained still. Ketsu's magic took quiet a toll on his body, much of his magic power was stripped away during the small torture session, but he stood strong for his kids.

Slowly but surely, Ketsu dropped the two limp bodies to the ground before turning to Natsu with a smile. "Congratulations E.N.D."

Natsu questioned the name, but shook his head. These people were insane, why would he put so much thought over one little word?

"But you didn't count on this." He said with a soft sigh before pulling out the sac on the side of his hip and downing the contents. "Honestly, I'm disappointed."

Happy screamed in terror from across the room, and at that moment, so did Ketsu. He had taken both the Enhancement Cubes that were in the sack, and it was taking a toll. His head felt as if it was being hammered on, skull piercing, body on fire. And yet, he loved it. This was the true feeling of power.

Even when the pain started to subside, it would be to unbearable for any normal human to even think about turning there head, but it was just enough for Ketsu to strike an attack.

"Say goodbye Mr. Dragneel."

Hey guys!
I'm sorry I was gone for a while, I was very stressed and angry and I just couldn't write for a couple of days.

The reason why this chapter is short is because one, I want to make you guys die of Suspence, and two because I didn't really have time to write. I hope you enjoyed it anyways!

Of course this does mean more chapters, and I know I said five or less, but I think this one is the fifth (don't quote me on that, I'm horrible at keeping track of things as you can tell from my updates)? But oh well, I'm a sucker for detail and not getting to the point. Hope your guys don't mind!

I fell like people are a bit intimidated by my book, ne because it's so long, and two because the first chapter was SO BAD, but 'm reluctant to changing it because it's my first book and I like seeing my progress.

My brother lost his phone and decided to take mine so I won't be able to reply to comments as fast as I usually do, it also means no more pictures of Gizmo for a while.

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1412 Words


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