{~} Falling Into Trouble {~}

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(time rewind 30 minutes)

The children kept a distance from the adults, watching as they speed-walked through the forest. Wendy and Lucy were both in the hood uniforms that the spies were wearing and were leading the pack. 

"I see the building!" Wendy yelled and started to sprint. "Be careful chi-" Carla had to refrain from calling Wendy 'child', the blue-haired girl most definitely proved that she could handle herself but the exeed was still on edge from her visions she had yet to tell the others about. 

The kids watched as the team took a few more steps before disappearing in thin air as if they walked behind an invisible wall. "Woah, that's trippy." Gabriel muttered and went in the same direction, soon disappearing like everyone else. "Gabriel?"

Gale looked around worriedly for her brother, who was nowhere to be found, but the sound of his gruff voice was still there. "Hurry up, just keep walkin'" 

A cold and wet feeling came to the rest of the kids like they were walking through a cloud. Suddenly a large gray square building was in front of them. 

"Alright, let's split up from the adults." Storm said, still worried about Carla's words but Gale shakes her head. "Its best if we follow them, for now."


Team Natsu circled around the place, surprised to see no spies guarding te perimeter. "This is obviously a trap." Natsu muttered but Lucy shook her head and began to chain her pink-haired husband and Erza up. "Just stay quiet and act scared." 

"The blonde turned to find Wendy had already chained Juvia, Gray, and the exeeds. Both girls cautiously walked through the stone archway, fixing their hoods so you could see as little of there face as possible.

"Halt!" A blonde man said, similar looking to the male spy Erza had knocked out, put his hand in front of Lucy and pointed to the redhead in chains. "What is the meaning of this?" 

"We found these wizards snooping around, thought we'd lock 'em up for a bit and teach them a lesson." Lucy said, deepening her voice to the point where Gray had to maintain his laughter. The blonde stomped on his foot and put a hand on his shoulder, turning him to face her. "You got a problem?" 

Gray put on his most scared face and shook his head. The spy, being nieve, nodded his head in approval and just as the wizards were getting past he halted Wendy. "Have you seen Ash and Meena anywhere?" He asked gruffly.

"I-I, um, who?"

His green eyes seemed to darken. "Meena Oakra, our general, and Ashara Parvattan, my brother." He said n a low tone. "Are you new here or something? They went out on patrol and they never came back."  The man started to get closer to Wendy, eyeing her suspiciously. 

Before he came too close to her, Juvia started letting out loud sobs. The guy was taken aback from the sudden outburst and the water woman had a look of fear on her face. Wendy continued down the hall until they were out of sight.

"Nice thinking Juvia." Erza complimented until she realized Juvia was still crying. "Are you okay?"

"N-no, Lucy touched Juvia's precious Gray-sama, Lucy is still Love Rival after all this time." She muttered and continued to cry. 


Juvia scoffed at the blondes outburst but the redhead interrupted the two. "Keep moving." She said and freed herself from the chains.

"How did you-"

"I have my ways, Gray." The requip mage snapped and freed the flame and ice idiots from there constraints, Wendy doing the same to the exeeds. 

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