{~} Luke and Gale {~}

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"Ugh, my back is killing me!" Luke complained as he threw the guild doors open and lead his siblings in. The children spent the night sleeping on park benches and they were all tired from the uncomfortable sleep. Igneel yawned and rubbed his eyes before saying. "Today we really need to focus, head straight to the guild library and no distractions." 

His blonde little brother rolled his eyes. Igneel had been stressing the fact that it has been two days since they left Shizuka Village and they had done nothing. "Morning Nash-chan! Sylvia and Storm didn't come in yet." Gale said as she ran up to the pinkette. Nashi nodded and Igneel sent her a warning look. "Sorry Gale-chan but I have a lot of-" Again with her lying skills. "Studying!" Luke finished and little Luna squirmed in his arms. 

"Oh, how fun! Can I-" Luke cut her off. "Sorry but we cant, can you take Luna? Thanks bye!" He said quickly, stuffing the baby in Gale's arms before dragging Nashi away. Two big oak doors were in the back of the guild, it was the entrance to the library. The kids walked in and took a place at one of the tables, book shelves surrounded them and most touched the ceiling. 

"I'll check the magical records section, Nash, you check the guild history section, and Luke-" Igneel stared at his brother for a moment. The blonde boy wasn't the brightest in the bunch- oh who was he kidding- Luke could barely read on his own. "You can go and be on look out." 

Luke rolled his eyes and walked away. He was partly upset that his brother turned him away but glad that he didn't have to do any boring work. He was about to go to the main hall and see if 'Ice Princess' was there untill he heard a soft sigh.

The maze of book shelves separated him from the voice but he eventually found his way around to see Gale concentrating on a book. Her head was slumped over in her hands and she had a weird pair of red glasses on the bridge of her nose. By the looks of it, she was struggling because her eyebrows were scrunched and her hands were constantly running through her navy blue hair, much like her father did when he was frustrated.  

"Something wrong?" He said the words before he could stop himself. Gale looked up and smiled slightly, patting the chair beside her. He quickly sat and starred at the page she was looking at, tk her it was a spell book written in a ancient language but to him it looked like a bunch of confusing swirls. 

"Hey, sorry I did not see you. I made sure put Luna with the other babys." She explained while rubbing her temples slightly. "It's alright, what ya reading anyways?" Gale was never one to use 'slang', that was more Gabriel's thing, she would always speak with proper grammar but hearing Luke talk like that made her smile stretch more. "Oh, I'm just trying to read about Vulcans."

"Vulcans? As in those big monkey things?" He said and started to punch his chest like a gorilla. She giggled. "Technically they are apes, but yes." She said correcting him.

"Apparently not only where there mountain and forest Vulcans but cave Vulcans as well." The blondes eyebrows raised a bit. He had heard storys from Lucy about her and Natsu battling both types but he had never heard of a cave Vulcan before. "But the only peice I can find about them was written 200 years ago and I have no idea how to read in Iwain!" She explained. 

"What's a Iwain?" The boy asked. 

"Oh, the Iwa people were ancient and had the first documented trace of the cave Vulcan." She answered simply and turned back to her book. Luke realized he was loosing her attention. "Oh I totally new that, I just forgot the name." He said.

Her hazel eyes met his onyx ones. "You know how to read in Iwain?" Luke gulped and slowly nodded. Gale seemed to sparkle and she leaned over the table to move closer to his face. "Teach me." She demanded. 

Luke's cheeks were beat red from the closeness of the two and soon her cheeks matched his when she realized there position, but neither pulled away. Luke took the time to study her face, her cute nose was dusted with red and and her big eyes stared gentaly, the short navy- almost purple- locks were ruffled and a zigzag patterned bandana kept her hair out of her face. 

"So cute..." Luke mumbled and her blush darkened even more. The two started to lean in when a bang was heard. Luke jumped back and fell out of his chair, hitting the floor. "Gabriel!" Gale squealed. Luke looked up to see a very stern looking boy glaring down at him. Gabriel Redfox had pitch black hair that was a little lower than his neck, his eyes were a deep shade of red and he had a metal piercing above his left eyebrow. 

"What the hell do you think your doing Blondie?" He growled. "We were just studying Gabe, no need to get made." Gale squeaked and looked up at her brother. Even though there age difference wasn't much different than Luke and Igneel's, Gabriel was still significantly taller than little Gale.

"Like hell you were!" He said, grabbing Luke by his shirt and lifting him up. "Let me go!" He shouted but Gabriel's red eyes stayed on Luke. "Stay away from my sister." He said, the tone in his voice was menacing but Luke did not flinch. 

"You can't tell me what to do, one last chance, let me down!" The black haired boy tightened his grip and was about to throw a punch at the blondes stomach. "Celestial Dragon Virgo: Dig!" Luke shouted and disappeared into the ground. 

"What the-"

Luke suddenly burst from the ground. "Luke kick!" He shouted and kicked Gabriel in the back causing him to fly into the bookshelf in front of him. Large ecology books fell on his head and he blacked out on the guild librarys floor. The blonde stood still for a few moments, sweat gently trickling down his forehead from the heat in the stuffy old room. 

Gale stood in shock, her eyes wide. Luke slowly turned his attention to her and his face held sorrow. "Sorry." He apologized.

The girl giggled and shook her head, her tiny hands covering her mouth. "Why are you laughing?" Luke asked in confusion. "I can't belive you knocked out my brother, he deserved it though for being a jerk." Said Gale. 

He looked down at Gabriel's unconscious face. "He was just trying to protect his little sister I guess..."

Gale smiled sweetly. "Still he didn't have to threaten you." She said and walked over to the tall boy. "I'll tell my dad he was trying to reach some iron and a book fell and knocked him out, than we can get him to infirmary." She said as her and Gabriel both practiced there fathers magic. "But you better leave, can't have him catching you."

Luke sighed and slowly started to walk away from Gale but her sweet voice called out to him. "How about we meet tomorrow to read the document?" Luke smiled showing his sharp teeth and nodded. 

He came back to the place where his siblings were studying and was smiling like an idiot. "What happened? We heard some crashes a few minutes ago." Nashi said, taking her nose out of her book. 

"Oh nothing, just a few books fell." Luke said as his mind began to wonder and his eyes widened for a moment.

"Hey Igneel do you know how to read in Iwain?" 


I thought this chapter was so cute! What do you guys think there ship name is? 

GUke? (Sounds like a glue brand)

GaLu? (Sounds like GajeelxLucy which is a ship I try to avoid)

LuGa? (Sounds like a whale)

I can't think of a cute one 😭!

Anyways hope you enjoy and don't worry next chapter will explain what Igneel and Nashi did in that time span. By the way sorry I didn't edit it yesterday, I didn't have time but now it's the way it should be. Bai!


Sun. Jun 23. 19

Words 1357

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