{~} Spirits Or Kids? {~}

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The blonde squinted but saw only blackness after opening her eyes. 'They must have put a blindfold on me' she thought. Lucy hearded a couple of voices in the room but none of them seemed to notice her awakening, so she slowly moved her wrists which were binded together in hopes to find her keys, but without luck. Suddenly a hand grabbed her wrist and twisted it slightly causing her to yell out in pain.


She heared a chuckle and the blindfold was taken off letting her have a look at her surroundings. The room was still damp with Aquarius' water and a few bolts and screws littered the floor around where the panel was, but otherwise it was the same as it was a couple hours ago.

"Ah, so you finially woke up." Ketsu said and took long strides around Lucy's body, the blonde realized she was on her knees, no restraaints on her lower legs, but when she tried to move it was as if a force was stopping her.

"Don't try it!" Ota yelled as a warning, she somehow managed to make eyecontact with Lucy before she faintied, which was the reason why she had power over her body now, the celestial mage could only turn her head.

"So, Mrs. Dragneel." Ketsu started. "I was wondering of you could do us a little favor."

Lucy shook her head. "Why would I ever do something for the likes of you!"

Ketsu smirked. "I'm glad you asked." He said and nodded to Enenra who was beside him.

Enenra walked out and came back dragging the bodies of her two sons, Nashi thrown over his shoulder, and Luna clinging onto his fist.

"And if this doesn't convince you, let me tell you that we can still open the gate without your help, we'd just rather not kill one of out little demons." He said fondly and looked at Luke. "You'd only be dying for your pride, and the taking the life of your precious son with you."

Lucy took in a sharp gasp. "W-what do you want me to do.." She said lowly. Ketsu snickered. "I want you to destroy one of the Zodiac keys and open the gate." He said with a laugh at the end. Lucy let out a stifled sob, he wanted her to choose between her spirits or her children? Her old or new family? Who could ever do such a horrid thing!

"W-why are you doing this!" She yelled out and looked at her children. From the looks of it, they had bonded her kids hands and feet together with magic canceling binds and then tied the limbs with a piece of rope.

Luke was wiggiling on the floor in some attempt to get free, Nashi sobbed and tried to make her way to her sister in corder to check on her, while Igneel mearly stood still in shock.

"Why are we making you do this or why are we opening the Eclipse Gate?" Ketsu laughed before deciding to answer both. "It's true we can use Ota to make you open the gate but I find this way more fun!" He said excitedly eyes glowings a bright red.

"And as for opening the gate, well, let's just say your family is very lucky to have the honor of meeting the great black wizard!"

Lucy's eyes widened and she tried to thrash her legs but Ota still caused her ankles to stay limp. "So what'll it be Heartfilia?" He said, laughing at the use of her maiden name.

"Maybe you need some convincing." He said slyly when Lucy remained silent and nodded in no particular direction but Kanashi and Enenra made there way forward.


(time skip 30 min)

"LUCY!" Wendy shouted and sat up from her sleep in a cold sweat.

The girl instantly was met with a searing pain in her right arm so she let out a slight groan but pulled the dart from her creamy skin. "I have to warn the others." She mumbled to herself and gasped as she saw the brown bag. Her hands gentally opened it and pulled out the midly injerued exeeds before grinning wildly. Wendy huddled the cats close to her chest and sighed.

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