{~} Falling {~}

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Igneel sent silent glares to his younger twins who sent them back with equal ferocity. Both Team Luke and Team Igneel, in which the team had come to an undiscussed conclusion that their team was now called that, were sitting having a peaceful picknick near a canyon as a celebration for there victory. Well, what would have been peaceful.

Everyone expected Luke to be mad about the fact that two teams one, after all, he was the hothead, and no one was surprised that Nashi had gotten mad about it either seeing the way she accepted a fight so easily with Otoko. 

But no one expected Igneel, the most responsible child in the whole guild, to be fuming with anger. "This is totally unfair." He growled and grabbed a salami sandwich Mirajane had made and stuffed it int his mouth. The boy was like his mother in most aspects, but competitiveness was not one of them.

"Don't think I'm happy about this either freak!" Luke shouted from his spot across the blanket, he also was stress eating a hunk of well-spiced turkey. 

After a couple of healing sessions with Wendy, both teams minor injuries were healed and they were back to there rowdy selves.

"Yeah, well you only won because Snowflake over here kept us away, if we had gotten that rock Igneel could have guessed it right in seconds." Gabriel spat. Lirah shook her head and poured herself some juice in a metal cup but the iron dragon slayer was quick to grab it from her hands and take a chunk out of the item.

"That is not true! We won fair and square with teamwork, who knows what you guys were doing." Gale said truthfully before sticking her nose back in the black pocket-sized book she had the day the twins first met them. 

"We were working as a team, maybe if Lirah and Gabriel didn't get separated from Igneel, Calypso, and I, we could have made that more clear." Misha defended and patted the top of the little blue exeeds head who merely sipped his tea and watched the conversation unfold.

"Well, Sylvia didn't think you had to fry her in order to get back to Igneel-san." Sylvia muttered and organized her seafood platter to look somewhat like Henry. 

"But you barred me in snow!" The lightning dragon slayer waved her arms about, accidentally hitting Misha. "Well I agree with Snowflake, you made 30 milliamperes of electricity go through me!" Yelled the metal head but he quickly covered his mouth as he realized he let his inner Levy seep through. "I mean, you let a bunch of doohickeys and watts shock me." He muttered and turned back to eating his cup.  

Nashi smiled slightly. Even though she was angry about having to share her glory with another team, it made her feel proud that she even got to compete with these amazing people. Lirah was crazy awsome with her electricity, Misha had awesome animals she could transform into, heck even her own brother impressed her. 

After finishing the potato salad she was eating, the pinkette got up and walked to the edge of the canyon, looking over at the sun which was now setting. Her older twin soon joined her and looked down at the at least 500-foot drop with a smile. "You ain't scared?" He asked. 

"No. You?" She answered and the boy shook his head. "I'm not scared of anythi-" Luke didn't get to finish his cocky answer before he saw something move on his shoe. He looked closely to see a dark green caterpillar crawl around his leather-covered foot and the boy let out a loud scream kicking his feet rapidly to get the bug off. 

"Cader came back to kill me!" He screamed. The blonde was so frantic to get the bug off that he didn't realize how close he was to the tumble and slipped off the edge.

He was falling.

His twin quickly reached out her hand to grab him but she barely grazed his shirt before she eventually leaned too far and tumbled.

She was falling too.

Lucky was closer to the canyon edge and rushed to grab onto Luke, using what little strength he had to keep the boy from falling to his death. "Nashi!" He yelled looking down in horror to see the pinkette was still falling. "I can only hold one person at a time." Lucky said and flew up to safety despite his blonde friend's screams of protest. 

A blue blur flew past them and the blonde soon realized it was Blue flying at high speeds to catch the girl. 

Despite there raging arguments, the cat had tears in his eyes from the thought of the girl dying, he used al his energy to catch up with her but she was so close to the ground and so far away from him.

The pinkette closed her brown eyes and took in the feeling. She felt as if she was flying, if she hadn't known that she would soon die within the minute she would have enjoyed the feeling. Her hair spread beautifully around her face and her body relaxed slightly. She wanted to die with this feeling.

This scene was no different from the one Lucy had when she escaped Master Jose. The blonde would never admit it but a tiny part of her mind screamed that Nastu wouldn't come for her that day and so instead of screaming and crying, you could see the calm expression she had on her face.

But like both girls, instead of falling to there doom they were caught.

A smell that Nashi rarely smelt entered her nose. Pine, camp wood, and ash engulfed her and warmth came to her body. With this sense of familiarity tears left her eyes, she was a very emotional person after all. The man she had so desperately tried to get love from, to be a family with, was now hear, saving her from death.


Hey, guys! 

I had some trouble writing this chapter because I felt it was to fast, rewrote it a bunch of times but nothing seemed to work and I ended up with this. Hopefully, you guys like it either way. You guys have been asking m when Natsu and Lucy were going to come in and what they were up to but I kept it in the dark just so this chapter could have more emotion. An explanation will come next chapter, I really wanted to leave this on a cliff hanger. Hehe, I'm so evil 😈.

Also, I was re-watching when Lucy jumped from the tower during the Phantom Lord Fiasco and I noticed, apart from the way she was screaming Nastu, her body wasn't holding any tension or stiffness and her face was relatively relaxed for someone about to die. I decided to include that in this chapter because I felt it was important for some reason.  

I decided to post this today because I'm heading back to the city tomorrow and it's a really long trip and will most likely have no service 😑. Sorry if that compromised anything but I really wanted to make sure you guys had a chapter.

IMPORTANT: I know most people skip my announcements but I need you guys to go and read the 5th announcement (from top to bottom) in that authors note there is a description for my next books I plan to do after this one so I need you guys to vote, that is why there is a "{Vote Open}" Next to it because the vote is still on! I would really appreciate it if you guys help me out so please do go back to that notice and read the description and comment on which one you want and your ideas for it, it would really help me out. Thank you!👍

 Let me know what you think and I'll see you on Tuesday for the next chapter! Bye!

1222 Words

Sat (Suppost to go on Saturday so I'm just going to say Saturday). Aug 25. 19


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