{~} Luna And Her Tears {~}

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Arguing could be heard between the two blonde boys. The children were currently sitting, behind a bush near the Fairy Tail guild trying to devise a plan to save there little sister. "Are you crazy! We can't just go in there and ask for her!" Igneel shouts. "Your over thinking it, even though we never met them we know these people." Luke argued back. "All we haft to do is play it off like we lost her, they would gladly give her back." 

Igneel clenched his fists. "We did loose her you idiot!" Luke stood quiet for a moment at his brothers outburst, he never yelled at his siblings no matter what but now it seemed Luna at risk fuilled his anger to the brim. 

Suddenly Luke came to a realisation. "Why is it so quiet?" Igneel's dark brown widened. "I'm not loosing two sisters in one day." He shouted as he made a run for the doors. 

"So much for having a plan." Luke mumbled before running into the guild as well. 


The pink haired girl stood up and walked away from her brothers fighting. They should be working together to get Luna, not arguing. Nashi slowly slipped her way into the large building and instantly it took her breath away. 

Chairs and tables were set up throughout the room, the people who sat on them were laughing, drinking, and having a good time. Nashi started to get an odd sense of happiness, and something else. This new feeling made her feel warm, she often thought about why this feeling didn't come when she was in Shizuka Village, it was the feeling of home. 

"Aw, shes so cute Levy." A sweet voice said. The fire dragon slayer turned her head to see the same blue haired women and scary looking guy sitting at a table in the corner of the large room. A white haired woman held Luna in her hands as sh looked at the child lovingly. She wore a black ankle length dress with white lace trimming and a black bow necklace. 

Deciding it was best not to stay out in the open, she made her way to the bar.  Nashi squeezed herself into a cabinet that was filled with towels and rags. 'Maybe this is a bad idea...' She thought. Nashi could easily blow her siblings cover but she wanted to make sure Luna was safe, she also wanted to get a taste of the guild for herself. 

Chattering broke her thought. "That's a new record Cana, 37 barrels."  There was a tiny whole in the cabinet, Nashi was able to peer through and see a brunette in a blue bra and black pants talking to the white haired women. "Only 37?" She slurred. "Aw man, well better get to work on braking that records." The white haired woman giggled as the drunk woman pulled out a large bottle and started chugging. 

"Gray-sama, Juvia made you Gray-sama buns.." A pale blue haired woman that wore a knee-high dark dress coat which is adorned with a hat with fur trimming. She held out a tray of bread buns that had a mans face decorated on the top. Due to her position she couldn't see who the person she was talking to was but the voice was very cold. "Uh, Juvia we've been over this, I don't like to eat food with my face on it."

"But Juvia made them special." The woman persisted shoving the tray in the persons face. They fell back making something fall on the floor in front of Nashi, it looked to be a peice of cake. 

"Gray!" The voice made Nashi shake with fear, the person that had bumped into then fell onto the floor for Nashi to finally see. He was shirtless and only had pants on, his eyes held fear. "S-sorry E-E-E-" He seemed to afraid to even say the name as the 'clanck' of metal boots neared. 

The doors of the guild flew open as the two boys rushed in to see a scary red haired woman glare onto a raven haired man. The red head wore a silver armored chest plate with a navy blue skirt. 

Luke nearly fainted, she was even scarier than Cader. "Can I help you?" Luke went pale as he saw the white haired woman stared at him in concern. "We're here to find our sisters." Igneel said harshly. 

"Oh, well I didn't see anyone come in." She answered politely. "You're free to have a look around though, I'm Mirajane by the way." Igneel paid no mind to her introduction as he started to push through the crowed at Nashi's scent. 

The red head stoped her brutal attacked on the man. Igneel ignored now everyone's questioning gaze and continued his way to the bar. He slammed open the counter door and shouted. "I know your in there Nashi." 

The pink haired girl slowly made her way from her hiding spot. "H-Hey Iggy.." She said nervously. "So...what brings you here?" 

Luke snorted from behind the counter as he laughed to his hearts content. "Your in trouble." He sang as he continued to laugh. Igneel gave him a warning look before making his way to the couple that took his youngest sister. 

"I believe you have something of ours." He said. Before the guild filled with chattering but now that it was silent, due to the interest in the Dragneel children, and you could hear Luna's crying now that the air was silent and not rowdy. The little girls face was red and tear stained as she wailed reaching her arms out for something. "And what would that be?" The dark haired man said, covering his ears from the kids wails as his wjfe tried to sooth the baby by bouncing her on her leg. 

Once the onyx eyes caught glimpse of Igneel she reached out her hands for him as her wails turned into sniffles. The twins came from behind there brother and Luna started to crawl off Levy's lap. "She's our sister." He said, picking up the little girl and Luke handed Luna the toy she dropped when she came into the guild. 

"Hang on a moment, she was found alone." Gajeel said harshly. Igneel stared at him with equal intensity, no one was going to try and keep Luna from him. Luke rolled his eyes. 'What happened to we can't just walk up to them and ask for her.' He thought in his head before turning Nashi who had a worried look on her face.

"Um, Daddy?" 

The younger blondes ears perked at the gentle voice he didn't think he would get the pleasure to hear. "Daddy, it's true I met these kids on my mission to Shizuka Village." Igneel gave his twin siblings a confused look before remembering the children that helped get them home. Gajeel resentfully looked at his daughter he hated being wrong but if she said so than it was true. 

"She wouldn't stop crying." Levy said gently as the baby was still sniffling into her brothers vest. The boy put the child in Nashi's arms before lighting both his fists with magic. On the right demonstrated his preferred dragon slayer magic of flame. On the left was a purple-blue flame that was decorated with the wrath of the constellation stars and planets, it was his celestial dragon slayer magic. 

Luna stared at the flames in amazement, Igneel than shaped both flames into dragon shapes. They danced around the childs head as she clung to her own dragon and stoped crying. The two dragons suddenly disappeared.

"Come on we're leaving." He said grabbing the twins hands as Nashi still carried Luna. Luke broke free from his grasp. "No, we came here for a reason plus I'm hungry." His eyes rolled as he was seriously thinking of dragging Luke out by force since they caused a big scene. 

A tap on Igneel's shoulder interrupted his thoughts. A girl his age with pale blonde hair and blue eyes looked at him sweetly. "If you would like you and your siblings could stay, my mother makes some good food here at the guild." She said.

"I uh.." His mind went blank for a second before coming to his senses. "We don't have much jewel." She shook her head. "On the house." 

Luke and Nashi's eyes light up as they look at there brother pleadingly. Igneel pinched the bridge of his nose before mumbling. "One thing each."

"Yay!" They shout as they run to the bar.


Thanks for three hundred reads!!!😀😀 This is unbelievable for my first book so thank you all! Hope you enjoy this chapter! 

~ Ari~

Sat. Jun 1. 2019

1446 Words.

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