{~} The Princess And The Dragon {~}

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Nashi smirked as Otoko went flying into the white haired man that was his father. She slowly made her way to the boy covered in soot and he quickly stood up. "Boys are still better." He said in between pants. Nashi growled. 

"Fire Dragon Iron F-" The girl was about to punch him but was interrupted by a small blue exeed blocking Otoko. "You need to stop this at once, your acting like animals!" The pink haired girl started to calm down, her fist was no longer ignited and the flames on her hair blew out. 

She put her fist down and glared at the exeed. He was pure blue, not a single marking on him, his white wings were spread wide and his scowling face was right in front of the brunette's. Nashi was a little upset at the cat, it was the boys fault in the first place that this mess was even started and no one was going to get away with stoping her fights. 

"Stupid cat! He started it!" She shouted. The blue exeed scoffed and moved closer to the girls face, his brown eyes glaring into Nashi's. "My name is Blue, excuse you, and maybe if you could talk it out like civilized people than you wouldn't have fought him."

Nashi growled at this. "Are you calling me uncivilized? Your one to talk, you carry flees on you all day." 

The older blonde boy watched the two bicker before Nashi finally stormed out the guild. He sighed and saw Luke was to busy arguing with Storm to notice. The blonde stood up with Luna still in his arms and looked at the white haired bar tender who was deep in thought with the book in her hands. "Um, Mira." He said snapping her out of her thought. 

He balanced Luna in one arm and used the other to point at the book. "I believe my sister was reading that." Mirajane quickly shook her head and handed the book to him. "O-Of course, sorry about that."

Igneel took the leather item and walked out the guild. "Nashi! Nashi, where are you?!" He shouted. Luna made little bubbles with her mouth as she played with her dragon stuffie, her onyx eyes staring at the iridescent red scales. 

Igneel looked everywhere for the pink haired girl but he could not find her. Worry bubbled up in his chest and he quickly stood under a tree to take a breath.

He placed Luna down on the soft grass and the girl continued to play with her toy while Igneel put his hands in his hair trying to think where Nashi might have gone. He sat down but something hard poked him. "Ow!"

He quickly stood back up and noticed it was a root coming out of the ground. The more he looked at the tree the more he noticed just how out of place it was. Roots were sticking out of the soil and the dirt wasn't completely level with the rest of the ground. 

"Pretty, isn't it." He heard a voice say. Lirah came from around the other side of the tree trunk with a smile. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"This is where I come to have lunch." She answered simply and took a seat next to the pink haired baby. Igneel realized she was carrying a small picnic basket. Forgetting about Nashi for a moment, he took a seat next to Lirah and placed Luna in front if them. 

It was silent for a while as Lirah started to take out food. "So, what's the deal with this tree anyway?" He asked.

She smiled slightly. "My mom told me a story about it." She said while handing a ham sandwich to Igneel who just accepted it. Lirah pulled Luna into her lap and grabbed some applesauce, she scooped the food with a spoon and fed it to the little girl with care. 

"What was the story." The boy asked barely above a whisper. 

"There once was a princess who fell in love with a dragon." She said more to Luna than Igneel but he didn't care. "Every night the Princess would meet the dragon and hang out with him."

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