{~} "Let Go Of My Wife..." {~}

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Gray's gray-blue eyes seemed to dilate as the word's left Daichi's mouth. The orange haired boy had just finished explaining the plan to the raven haired male but once he finished he realized the ice wizard was out of it.

"Sir? Sir, are you okay?" He asked and Gray shook his head but nodded. "Yeah, just shocked." He mumbled and stood up straight. "And stop with the sir stuff, you make me feel as old as Mavis, call me Gray."

"Alright, and you can call me Daichi!" The boy said with a smile, glad to have someone call him by his actual name. "Wait, May-vise?"

Gray shook off his question and mumbled a 'stay close' as he walked out the room with Daichi at his tail. Even down hall shouts and curses could be heard from the spies that were still stuck in the ice prison. Suddenly, Gray shook and the boy gave him another concerned look. "Something wrong?"

"No, I just got a chill."


Enenra had a large vain popping out of his forehead as he thought about his sisters, both him and Kanashi were walking down the halls, at least 600 soilders lined up behind them. "Stay close you fools!" Enenra shouted, trying to drain out some of his anger. The green haired man wasn't exactly sure who he was angry with but this feeling of hatred always bubbled up inside him whenever he saw bright red strawberries that remined him of Enyssa's hair or the little blue gems, that the spies often stole, that reminded him of the twins' eyes. Whenever he saw things that reminded him of is sisters he went into rage mode and would destroy and kill everything near him in anger, but only recently had this feeling been getting worse. Now, the man can't even handle looking at a pair of glasses without seeing the flash of Erica's face.

"Calm down before you bust something important." Kanashi stated in a monotone voice and placed a cold hand on his shoulder. Enera just growled and turned back to the solders who were marching behind, all pale faced and clammy skinned.

"L-lady Kanshi." A nervous woman who was behind the two asked. The blonde didn't even bother to ask Enenra, knowing very well that he would just yell and most likely kill her in this raged state. "What is it 113." The blonde made eye contact with those haunting purple eyes, scared that if she made one wrong move her life would be gone.

"Why do we not call for back u-up? I-I think general M-Meena is b--back by now a-a-" She was cut off by the large hand of Enenra coming in contact with her face, the silver eyed woman now on the ground holding her cheek. "DO NOT QUESTION THE BOSS' ORDERS, YOU ARE TO LISTEN EVEN IF IT MEANS YOU LAY DOWN YOUR LIFE! Or do you wish to die on the dirty floor right now?" Kanashi closed her eyes and took a sharp breath as she heard the shouts of Enenra but when she lifted her eye lids once more she saw a pool of blood around the woman, she figured spy 113 didn't answer fast enough.

"ANYONE ELSE WANT TO JOING HER?" And when he was met with silence he shouted a 'THOUGHT SO' and turned. The sad woman looked at the spy, her eyes were still open, revealing the metallic-like silver eyes.

Even when the black haired woman had been in the same position once before she refused to close the eyelids, to give the solder the one thing she could at that moment, a decent death. The girl was gasping for breath but Enenra had used her own weapons to stab her in the chest, with the metical supplies they had she would surly died.

All the other spies walked around Kanashi, continuing to follow Enenra but the black haired woman stood still, listening the desperate breaths of the silver blond. "P-please." She muttered. Most would think this was a cry for metical attention but the sad woman knew it was not, it was a cry for a faster death, for the burning pain in her chest to stop, for someone to close her eyes, for someone to bring her body to whatever family or hometown she was stolen from.

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